Sunday, May 28, 2006


Old, chubby guy who can't dance a lick wins American Idol. There's hope for all of us.

Cake is celebratory. When was the last time you had Birthday Pie or Wedding Flan?

Tylenol P.M. makers should be sued for changing from a pill that you could break in half to one you can't cut with a hacksaw.

Charly and I played our 1100th Scrabble game yesterday. I won. I am ahead in the series 1000 to 100. Seriously? No I'm kidding. It's not that close. I'm still kidding.

I found this word in Harry Potter yesterday: quieresveviralmailecombigo I thought, this can't be real. And I was right. It was just Harry nervously talking real fast. Like Dara on coffee. Harry was trying to say, querrias venir al baile conmigo? Which means queer as a vain ear by the lay con me and go. No it doesn't. It translates would you come to the dance with me? Harry gets turned down.

Tea without sugar is dull. But I'm compensating. I drink more coffee. Coffee without sugar is correct. You heard it here first.

Each day I try to get in Tai Chi, meditation, pushups, Stair climbing, (we have 14 stairs, I climb them 30 times. That's like what, a thousand?) a walk, Spanish reading, Spanish grammar studying, guitar practise, a Scrabble game, two meals, an hour of an English language book, chores, (shopping, dishes, some cooking, general cleaning, dog stuff), writing this gobbeldyggoop, an hour of internet news, a half hour of Sportscenter, and, oh yeah, I like to watch Frazier reruns. I sleep eight hours.

What does my wife do? I'm not sure. I haven't seen her for days.

Truthfully, I rarely have a day when I accomplish all those things. Real life intrudes with bad weather, good friends, phone calls and all the unpredictable occurrences that make each day different and interesting. Of course, I am then left feeling guilty about the things I've skipped. Guilt though, like salt when sprinkled lightly, adds zest and keeps me motivated.

Wait a minute. I hear something. It's Charly downstairs drying her hair. So THAT'S where she's gone!

(Taylor Hicks. Give me a break. My boys can out sing this guy any day of the week. Well maybe not Mondays. They're a little raggedy on Mondays. And even David can outdan...Okay maybe not. Whoops. Don't make fun of the pregnant guy.)

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