So it's webblog is it. Hmmm. Is that web blog, webb log or was the term's creator a stutterer and it's we b blog? I need clarity here folks. (And now I've got Willie Nelson in my head singing "put another log on the fire, boil me up another pot of tea.") (And I guess that's appropriate as today's topic is music.
The subject came up yesterday on a couple of occassions. The first time was at a friend's house where we had gone for a late lunch/early supper which, I guess, if brunch is what it is, should be called lupper, conversation and a couple of really terrible Scrabble games. A terrible Scrabble game is defined as any game I don't win. The recently concluded American Idol show cropped up and that led to a short demonstration by me of Taylor Hick's really bad dancing which is a difficult thing for me to do because...well, I'm a really good dancer, ask anyone who's never seen me dance, followed by a spirited defense of Mr. Hicks, and I call him Mr. Hicks because he looks old enough to be a mister kind of person, by the ladies present, both of whom found him...and here I must point out that I understand women even less than I understand my There's just no accounting. This was quickly followed by a what do you like and want to hear discussion that ended in agreement on Van Morrison, who I managed to not point out, is named after a kind of truck. Later, after luppering and while Scrabble-ing, we listened to Spanish classical guitar music. It was all very nice.
The Beast lugged us home in due time where we received an email from Charly's brother in which he mentions that he likes Doowop music. You all know what Doowop is don't you? It's four or five guys standing on a corner wearing chinos, white T-shirts with a pack of Luckies or Camels rolled onto one sleeve, penny loafers and maybe a Jimmy Dean jacket with the collar up if it's chilly. They're harmonizing to a current top forty cut. The guys can be black or white and can, actually, now that I think about it, be girls though not usually. One of them will be singing lead and the rest will be supplying a background sound of nonwords that were often doowop doowops or shalalala las. It is a musical form that was popular in the late Fifties and early Sixties. Titles you may remember are In the Still of the Night, Earth Angel and They Up And Call Me Speedo But My Real Name Is Mister Earl. Okay, that last one may not be an actual title. I have always held forth or maybe fifth, that the music you listen to in your hormonally driven teenage years is the music that will stay with you all your life. Tell me the icon you listened to as a teen and I'll tell you your age. Was it Presley, The Beatles, The Boss, Madonna? You name 'em and I got ya. Doowop and Presley were concurrent which will give you a hint as to Charly's brother's age. Charly herself is one year younger than her brother and also a Doowop afficianado. I am, of course, far younger than either of them. (Believe that and I'll blog you some lies that'll make Bush sound like an honest man.) Sooooo, anyway, all that talk of music put my girlfriend I and on the balcony where I gave her my class ring to wear on a chain around her neck and she promised to go steady with me. We danced to Doowop ballads, they are just the best for slow dancing, and polished off a bottle of wine, the expensive $4.50 kind. It was a damn fine day.
Before I get on with my new day, I'm going to quickly type in the lyrics from my favorite Doowop song in hopes that someone will remember it's artist and title which are lost to me. It goes:
I sit in my room
looking out at the rain.
My tears are like glass
they cover my window pane.
I'm thinking of my lost romance
and how it could have been.
Oh if we only could start over again.
I know you'll never forgive me dear
for running out on you.
I was wrong to take the chance dear
with somebody new.
Now I'm lonely and I'm blue and I'll try to get along
without you.
Teardrops Teardrops
Then there is a second chorus which I only remember snatches of.
And one other thing. Anybody know how to get the spellcheck to work on this blog?
Saturday, June 03, 2006
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