Sunday, July 16, 2006

Woowoo Magic 102

I have been asked why I do that do do that I do so...often. Am I just fooling around?

There is a precarious balance in the world between the heavy and dark and the lighthearted and carefree. Picture a teeter-totter which is the same thing as a seesaw only in a different state, both excellant words by the way, and place on one end the heavy and dark. If you need actual people to complete your visualization, go with Cheney and Rumsfeld. That Death guy with the hood and the scythe would be good too. On the other end you will have to put a whole slew (I've got to keep using the word "slew" until its meaning is solidly established as "many" and not, you know, the biblical thing where old Josh used an Ass's jawbone to slew or is it slay, let's see, past tense of the irregular verb to slay is, give me a minute, I've got it, tobaggon, a whole slew of Philistines, whose great grandchildren would go on to be Mickelson fans slewed later by Tigers) of the lighthearted and carefree, because they have barely enough psychic weight to keep them defying gravity on a daily basis. They do this in-your-face take-that gravity by not being, you guessed it, grave, which is another word that conjure's up dire consequences and needs to be put on the end of the seesaw with the those people who see the world as a harsh mistress. (I had a harsh mistress once, but as I said in an earlier bit, I'll get to "Dominated By The Fair Sex" another time.) If you need to put faces to this end of the saw, you can use mine and anyone named Golightly except Holly, who didn't. In the book anyway. It takes a lot, a pile, yes a slew of us to keep the totter from tipping to (where have you heard this before) the dark side where sunshine is just light to find oil and conduct wars by, and not to warm your world and brighten your smile. It is to this end, you know, the whole balance thing, that Woowoos United Ltd., a corporation I think my wife should start, says I am contributing when I send my blogs (although blog sounds like a heavy kind of word) off into cyber space. They don't even need to be read she says. The energy expended towards capturing a chuckle or landing a laugh is energy that finds a home on the light side of the teeter/saw and thereby protects us all from gloom and doom.

And you thought I was just fooling around.


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