Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm blogging in the rain, just...

"What is this thing called blog." "I'm in the mood for blog." "Just an old fashioned blog song."

What is this thing indeed. I have no blogging idea. A pasttime, I suppose, a hobby. Something to do while sipping morning coffee. I could probably make better use of the hours studying Spanish or reading a book. That's what Woowoo Charly does, the book part, but blogging has become a habit now and habits are so hard to change. Ask any Nun. Well, see, there's the thing isn't it. The blog is playground monkeybars for the monkeyminded to swing on; entertainment and exercise all at once. Or is the blog a cyber shrink's couch, where the past gets rehashed, the present rearranged and the future invented? Beats me Sigmund, what do you think? I used to perceive blogging as a creative act and it is in the sense that building sand castles between waves is creative. Nothing, I suspect, really lasting is being born. Of course, longevity may not be the point. Blogs are a here today, gone tomorrow kind of thing. Like rain or the Red Sox being in first place. Or maybe they are just public diaries, little daily entries put out there for the odd sort who likes to read about other people's lives. Beats me. For awhile I thought it was an ego thing, a hey look at me the writer, but I've read my blogs and many others as well and there is not a lot to shout about. So what is it really, that we the bloody bloggers do? Is it all of the above or something else altogether? Inquiring inquirers want to know.

"Blog me tender, blog me true." "Yesterday, blog was just another game to play." B-l-o-g-e-c-t find out what it means to me. Blog it to me, blog it to me, blog it to me."

Things have gotten quiet here in the rainy season. We play more Scrabble, watch more movies that we never heard of on HBO and Cinemax. Sometimes we don't even know what they are when we watch them because the remote control viewer guide description doesn't match what's on the screen. "Who is that actress Charly, I can't remember her name?" "The guide says it's Penelope Cruz." "Funny, I don't remember her being a chubby blonde" It's all a mystery to me. Like blogging.

"Blog is a many splendored thing." "All you need is blog. Yum ta dump ta dump."

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