Sunday, September 17, 2006

Monkeyminding Galore

My mind is all over the mental map this sunny Sunday morning. Fueled by coffee, my neurons, electrons, protons and amateurtons are firing away in random order even if random and order seem to be opposites. It ain't called a monkeymind for nothin.

Is it possible that football, buddhsim, world peace, cookies, dreams and dogs can all occupy mental space in the same mind at the same time? It is if you're me.

Focus Doc, focus. Sort, separate and simplify.

I'll start with football first because I mentioned it first, even though world peace probably gets the nod by a smidgeon on a list of most important. Either that or dogs. The Broncos play today and the game is significant because they lost their opener last week. They can't start 0 and 2 and expect much from the season. They need to win and they need to win convincingly against a rebuilding opponent playing in Denver. The game is being shown here and I'm antsy to see it. I expect a win, in fact I expect a blowout and if I don't get both, I'll stress all next week in that small area of myself I reserve for inconsequential, I choose to have it, stress. This is a good form of stress. It's easy to put aside.

Jumping to the next brain cell branch I find buddhism. I've just read that the Dali Lama says you can be a jewish buddhist or a christian buddhist. In other words, buddhism will accomodate other religious doctrines. Alrighty then, that's makes me an agnostic buddhist. It's good to be something, finally.

In Denver Nobel Peace Prize winners are gathering to promote world peace. Why they are not in Washington where The Bush Administration is gathering to promote world war, beats me. Well not really. There is an organization there in Denver, Peacejam, that has brought these brilliant people together to hear their thoughts. So far their thoughts run along the lines of mine and I'm not smart at all. Bush sucks is one thought they have expressed in one way or another. I've had the same thought for quite some time. Hey, maybe I'm smarter than I think. Anyway, it makes me proud of Denver which I still consider my home town.

Tired of cake, I bought a bag of semi sweet chocolate chips and using the recipe on the back I made cookies. I'm afraid to eat them. There are mountains of butter and sugar inside them and even though I have them securely imprisoned in a zip lock bag downstairs, I fear they will escape and invade my body to clog arteries and grow massive mounds of fat. I'm going back to cake.

My dream was...well, see, now I can't remember.

Mostly I'm worried about my dog. Gus is a special, spoiled boy used to lots of attention, affection and care. We are going to be gone for a month and I keep thinking of all the things I need to tell his dogsitter to do and wondering if she will bother. I mean he needs to have the goobers cleaned from the corners of his eyes everyday. He needs to get his bone at four oclock sharp and his cookies meted out in a certain playful way. He has to have a fight with my sneakered foot almost nightly and a tug of war on demand. He knows that if we sit at the table and eat, he can't bother us, but if we snack on the couch, he gets some. He needs walks and avocado hunts and a noisy but not viscious scrap with Bobby his nemesis. The look on his face when we leave him alone for an hour or two is heart breaking. What will he do when we are gone for a month? Will he be able to stand it? Will I?

1 comment:

Zendoc said...

Gustavo IS one of my children. The one I can't pick up a phone and say, "How are you?" to. And besides, all the other kids are brats.