Thursday, January 04, 2007

Curse of the Cursor

It's a coffee morning. As opposed to tea. On coffee mornings my brain whizzes over the empty spaces where thoughts are supposed to be. On tea mornings it takes its time examining the voids. Nothing here, let's try over there. Nope, nothing there either. I spend a lot of time staring, coma-like, at my computer screen. For the most part it just stares back, but unlike me it does have that one moving part, a blinking cursor. On off, on off. It's very hypnotic. I think I'll watch it awhile. On off, on off.

Yes Sir, I am in your power. I will do all that you say.


Okay, I'm back. There's an hour missing from my life though. The only clue I have as to what happened during that hour is a copy of my last will and testament. Apparently I've left everything to the Walmart family and the Bill Gates Foundation. Weird, huh? I don't even know those people.

I'm thinking of doing something today, but I'm not sure what or even if I should. Yesterday, I finished reading a book and I don't want to set a precedent by doing something two days in a row. Imagine the pressure of having to do that all the time. No, I think I better just chill, take it easy, watch TV, stare at the cursor. You know, lay back. Besides, it's not that nice out today. There's a blue sky and a rainbow and 70 degree temperatures, but there's a bit of a breeze pushing the treetops about and breezes can be tricky. They can make you chase a hat or put a mote in your eye. No, I better stay in. Watch TV. Learn about the new products at Walmart.

I am having thoughts though. Finally. Is the new Windows out yet? Where can I buy new software, hardware and increase my gigabytes while getting the lowest prices? Don't worry, it'll come to me.

On off, on off.

Yes Sir, I'll be right there. No, don't worry, I won't forget my checkbook.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're doing focused meditation, using your cursor as a guide. Cool.

Please don't leave your millions to Walmart or the Gates Foundation. Remember, I am your favorite child.

Zendoc said...

That's what they all say.