Last night Woowoo Charly said that white wines are picky and they go, nyeea nyeea nyeea. She made a face while she said it. She then said red wines are warm and loving. I poured her the red. After that, I listened intently to my own glass of white and although it was cheerful, playful and somewhat flirtatious I couldn't get it to say a damn thing. We were eating dinner, a Mediterranean salad that Charly invented, and watching an episode of "Threshold" at the time.
Have you seen this show? It's about an alien invasion of earth. This is one of my favorite themes because my wife's origins are sketchy and she can hear wine saying nyeea nyeea nyeea. My children are suspect too. One reads third grade texts and another's favorite book is The Dress Lodger." What the hell is a dress lodger? Still a third, a girl mind you, wants to read "Sacred Games." I didn't even know she cared about The Super Bowl. Anyway, I kept a close eye on Chuck as she watched the show. I wanted to see if I could tell which side she was rooting for.
We have to go to the Gringo meeting at the Panamonte Hotel today. It's about building here in Panama and features three local architects gabbing on the subject. I don't want to go. Just when they grab my attention by talking about buttresses and trusses and bay windows and girders, the arkies will spoil everything by telling me they're not talking about sex. Which is funny because it sure SOUNDS like sex. Oh well, I can always scan the room and look for aliens.
Is it too early for wine? If so, how come the wind is saying, nyeea nyeea nyeea.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
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Oh Yeah alien breath? I may read third grade texts but I read them like a fifth grader. I had a nice red over the weekend. It was produced by a prominent wine maker by the name of Carlo Rossi. It came in a nice 5-liter bottle, and the best part was that the label specifically stated that this wine was 100% grape wine. Maybe I am an alien. #1son says I’m the mailman’s son…
#1son.. White wines say, make a kissy lip face and take tiny sips. Red wines say, fill your gaping maw-spilling down the corners of your mouth onto your already stained wife beater and tighty whities, then SWALLOW. I prefer red.
Pops and Chuck are aliens- dey Panamanian ain't dey?
#2, you think Rossi's good, try Bartles and James.
SpecialK. I laughed till I cried. Everyone needs to click on this.
Bubbaz? Oh, so that's who you are.
The Knights did go ni. They also got shrubbery. Can you make wine from shrubbery?
#1,I taught you well.
Also...there are many ways you could have responded to this blog. the fact that you all jumped on the wine aspect has Woowoo Charly very worried. She's gone to the bar to think about it.
Hey #1, you can't be anonymous when you start by saying who you are.
I want to know what the deleted comment said.
We watched that video in class yesterday. That was funny. The kids weren't in the room at the time.
I signed in under the influence- I can't remember my password. Besides I don't want you to know who I am.
your fella is good for some things. like, if you're in a room with a bunch of guys and they're all referencing something with apparent great knowledge and mirth and you want to be involved you'll never again have to admit you don't can just ask your fella because he will.
did you hear the one about the snake who took off all his clothes? the full monty python....
step one - cut a hole in the box.
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