Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Cross and Irritable

Cross and Irritable. No that is not the name of a law firm, it's a description of Woowoo Charly and I getting through this adjustment period in a new house. It ain't easy and we're a bit edgy.

My day starts with fighting this bizarre Spanish keyboard that has weird punctuation that are often not pictured on the keys. I am a lousy typist to begin with, I look down at the board, I wanted to use a dash there, not a comma, but fuck if I can find one, and some of the most frequently used keys have their symbols worn off by age. Oh, and by the way,I hate this desk chair, my back is killing me.

Get a new board you say? * I found the question mark earlier. It's on the key that pictures a dash* We have been trying ever since we moved in. The town has been shut down since last Thursday to celebrate Carnival. Very few places are open, none of them computer supply stores. What seems odd is that there are no real parties happening, those are taking place in other towns, but Boquetenos are taking the time off anyway. Good for them, I suppose, but it's driving me to ONE and my wife along with me.

Other annoyances that have come our way are the inability to buy a three step stool, we can't reach kitchen cabinet top shelves, end tables for the bedroom, we are using hampers to put our reading lamps atop, knife, fork, spoon separator, place mats, fly swatters, hangars, shower caddy for Woowoo's bathroom, surge protectors, night lights, a toilet plunger, an ice bin, a mop bucket, a whisk, sieves for cooking, a grater, mixing bowls, measuring spoons, a kitchen timer, a paring knife and a cutting board. Oh and did I mention light bulbs, wash cloths and towels, an 8' ladder so I can change bulbs on our high ceilings, satellite cable to the living room, they are now in the bedrooms where we don't want them, shelves for the pantry, all our non refrigerated food and all pots and pans are on the floor, a washer and a dryer, our laptop hooked into the new system, so we can access the Internet on it as well, and some plastic chairs to sit on out on the patio so we can have a cocktail, stare at the beautiful scenery and bitch about the stores not being open.

We hope to get about half this list accomplished by day's end. If we do, I'll feel better, if we don't , I'll drink heavily. Actually, having said that, I'm feeling more chipper already. Maybe I should rant more often.



Zendoc said...

We don't spoon. We're too thin. We knife.

Zendoc said...


Anonymous said...

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

Zendoc said...

I have a question for you #2son.

Do they really leave you alone with small children?