Thursday, June 07, 2007

...maybe too quiet.

It is so quiet here this morning my thoughts seem loud. Hope they don't bother anyone. I can here the clock on the wall ticking off the seconds until the next hour and then the hour after that and so on for all eternity or until the battery dies, whichever comes first. You gotta watch out for a ticked off second, it might have a mean streak. (And now you know why I like to keep my thoughts quiet.)

I read a long interview this morning with Christopher Hitchens the author of "God Is Not Great" and wondered why it took a whole book to make his point which is, essentially, God is not...period. He could have just noted that if there was a God would we have AIDS, George W and the Yankees? I mean, c'mon Chris, cut to the chase.
Actually, I found the interview quite interesting and will surely one day read the book. The inherant trouble with a book like this though, much like a books on politics, is that no one reads them but the people who already agree with the author's position. A thing, in this case, which I do. (Religion bad, Reason good.) Few, if any, minds get changed by the publication. Ah well, I suppose if you feel strongly enough, you have to try to move the mountains.

When I feel strongly, I pump irony.

And, on a related topic, we played golf yesterday at the, ha ha, country club where we now have to pay a couple of extra bucks for a kid called a bandelero to run up to the ha ha, green and put a big stick in the hole to serve as a flag. If you are wondering how this is related, I should point out that we do this religiously. If, however, there had been a God present yesterday, I'm sure I would have been hell bound because my game was an abomination. (Now there's a word that some Republican pundit will surely turn into "Obamaination." Remember, you heard it here first.)

That's all I have for today because in trying to quiet my thoughts I've chased them away completely. And now there's that damn clock ticking again.


Anonymous said...

"You gotta watch out for a ticked off second, it might have a mean streak. (And now you know why I like to keep my thoughts quiet.)"


"When I feel strongly, I pump irony."



You should delete this before the bad guys find it.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of books, there are two boxes on their way to you now. Check your local Mail Boxes Etc end of next week, early the following week.

Zendoc said...
