Sunday, June 10, 2007


Okay, so yesterday's photo ended up where it was supposed to be. The result of hard work and insightful thought? Nah, blind luck. My favorite kind.

Today's photo, should it choose to appear, looks like a model of a house under construction. It's not. It's an actual house. The person in the foreground, however, is a model of RTGFKAR. We have stationed it there to keep the workers busy and also to keep crows off the property.

Yesterday, after touring the house site, we drove to Potrerillos, a neighboring wannabe town with pals L and B. There we found a warehouse in which we found, you guessed it, wares housed, under the business name of Zapadora. This, I thought,was a terrible thing to do to Dora and I wondered why they disliked her enough to suggest this to us. The wares there were furniture, lamps, doors, decorative bricabrac and, of course sundry because sundry is in great demand these days. Woowwoo Charly, RTGFKAR, and B wandered through the building oohing and ahing at this and that while L and Yers Truly feigned interest and wondered if we were missing any good sports on TV. In my own defense I would like to say that I'm sure everything there was very nice and possibly even buyable but how would I know for certain, I have no taste. Also, speaking for both L and I, we like sports. Another thing I learned was that all the items in Zapadora were from Egypt, India, some Middle Eastern countries and Mexico. Apparently the people there didn't want them.

On the way back we stopped at Art's Bambu where more furniture was on display. I actually liked some of the things there, but as I've noted, I have no taste so my opinion is uncalled for and should be left in the good hands of people who have pictures of stuff in glossy paged magazines. Either that or my wife, even though I find her opinion suspect since I've learned she thinks recliners are tacky.

Following that short stop - shortstop? okay,now we're talking - we drove home only to find there were no sports on the tube worth viewing unless you like mesomorphs throwing beer kegs and lifting cars. Ah well, maybe tomorrow...which is today.

I better go look.


RTGFKAR said...

It's amazing how Doc took that styrofoam modle of the house I made and Photoshopped it into that picture! I didn't know he was that computer capable.I should have guessed it thought, when at Zapadora's he confided to me," Did you see that cute chenille covered table, i bed i can find one on the web cheaper."

Zendoc said...

Oh yeah. Well your momma wears combat boots.