Friday, December 21, 2007


Incommunicado. Shouldn't that be outofcommunicado? Whichandwhatever, that's soon to be us. No electricity, or, as RTGFKAR likes to say playing with the Spanish word electricidad, we'll have no stinking electricity Dad. No electricity means no Internet, means no e-mail, means no blog, means no et cetera which is the past tense of eat cetera. Until we get wired up, turned on and turned loose, the monkeymind will be stilled. Well, you know, almost. It may still run amok, just not on cyber paper.

So here is my last thought to you until next we meet: Merry Christmas.

Okay, it wasn't really my last thought, but it was in contention. I was also thinking about everything I have to do today and you know how I feel about THINGS I HAVE TO DO. There's just no reason. Still...there they are.

I have to eat, drink and be merry. I also have to pack things, pick up things, move things, put things down and unpack things. Where the hell did all these things come from in the first place? I have to make calls, go shopping, find Alan - his phone isn't working - deliver a couple of things and...what else? Oh yeah, something about the dog. First though, I've got to finish this and then shave, shower and dress. And you thought retirement was easy. You younguns got it made. All you've got to do is work.

I better get started or I'll miss the big fun. As Marvin Gaye would say, "Love and Happiness" and from me and the Terminator, "I'll be back."


Anonymous said...

Love and happiness to you, too. To one and all!

Anonymous said...

It was Al Green. Dad I thought I taught you better.
Merry ,happy Kwanza-Dwali-Hannukah-X mas-Boxing Day- New Years!

Anonymous said...


#1, #1, #1.

I know the Reverend. You and I witnessed his white-suitedness together. At the Paramount, I think. Remember?!

(uh, wait...I just read your post again and realized that you're chastising Dad, not me. Ah well. Heh.)

Anonymous said...

You are the recipient of the "You make my day" award which can be seen on my current post.