Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Holes and Hoops

Alrighty then. Another birthday is in the bag and put on the shelf. And a good one it was too. I'd tell you how old I am, but I've never been able to count that high. My daughter-in-law Heather turned 39 yesterday and I'm sure she's older than I am. To celebrate her birthday RTGFKAR, Woowoo Chuck, The Old Redneck and Yers Trewly played 27 holes at Valle Escondido where we defeated the Trolls, Gremlins and Leprechauns once again by playing some ferdamnshure good golf.(No need to thank us Heather.) RTGFKAR and I, playing as a team, matched Woowoo and and LJ with 32's on the middle nine. This on a par 30 golf course. Woowoo Charly and I were at par through seven on the first nine before bogeying the eighth and triple bogeying the ninth. We would have hung our heads in shame and maybe even our whole bodies had not our 34 been three strokes better than RTGFKAR and LJ. By the time we got to the third nine, fatigue was taking its toll on all of us except Woowoo Charly who doesn't weigh anything and therefore never wanes and the golf deteriorated somewhat. Still, no score over 40 was posted.

Yeah, yeah I know how thrilled you all are when I talk about sports, but c'mon, this is golf, a deeply spiritual game about which Arnold Palmer once said, "golf is the sport in which the walls between the natural and the supernatural are rubbed the thinnest", and LJ says, "*#*x***...." which, although not as lyrical as Arnie, is more to the point. Nevertheless, being a sensitive 90's kind of a guy, I'll eschew the finer details of our round and talk instead!

Here's the "Sweet Sixteen" I'd like to see. Mississippi Valley State, Belmont, American, Mount Saint Marys, Winthrop, Boise State, Texas Arlington, Oral Roberts, Cornell, Saint Marys, Austin Peay, Portland State, Kent State, Siena, Davidson and UMBC. (I have no idea what those initials stand for.) Yup, they're all in the tournament and nope, they haven't got a prayer.

If sport prayers WERE answered you might wind up with an all Catholic Final Four, St. Marys, Mount Saint Marys, Saint Josephs and Notre Dame. Catholics being serious kneel down and get after it prayers. Xavier might be in that mix as well. Of course, Oral Roberts and BYU fans will be praying like crazy for their teams to crash the party. All should beware of the Duke Blue Devils and I'll bet there are Demons in the field somewhere.

My own Final Four picks are UCLA, Kansas, North Carolina and Memphis, not because they are all good, which they are, but because they wear blue and I'm partial to blue. If a team wearing green sneaks in, I could go that way as green is the best color of all, but the only team wearing green I see having a shot is Michigan State. I don't think they are good enough. Oregon wears green and I'm told they're talented, but I haven't seen them play. They do have the advantage of a great nickname, Ducks.
Go Ducks, Kick Tiger Butt. Seems unlikely.

And apart from sports, the other thing on my mind is...

Oh Come On, there must be something.


Anonymous said...

I would like to mount Saint Mary. I've seen Austin Pee and Oral Roberts makes me a little uncomfortable ( unless it's Julia ).

Anonymous said...

Dad, don't hold it against #1, his dixie wrecked. Seriously, don't go near him.

Anonymous said...

That was me, by the way.

Anonymous said...

You are sofa king we Todd ed, #2.

Anonymous said...

That's my joke. oh wah ta foo le yu-ahr, #1.

Anonymous said...

#2, you must have grown up as a text-message speller. Everyone knows (yoo) is spelled like this.

Anonymous said...

e-kahn-u-mee of leturs thats wut its all about.

Hey, where's Dad?

Zendoc said...

Would you two PLEEEZ hold it down, I'm trying to write here.

Anonymous said...

He started it.

Anonymous said...

He hit me back first.

Anonymous said...

Dad always liked you better, because your prettier.