It's barely seven and I have already donned my blogging shoes and am out for a run. Must mean I'm feeling better, which was not the case last week when my aged, but still trusty bod spent most of its waking hours trying to determine whether it was sick or not. I was reminded, perhaps because of his shuffling off this mortal coil, of George Carlin's bit about not feeling well. "I'm not sick, I just don't feeeeeel good." That was my story last week despite finding long lost old friends, making new ones and, never underestimate the importance of this next, playing decent golf.
So here it is Monday morning and I have welcomed the dawn, let out the dog, done in some dishes, downed some coffee and I am ready to go. I mean I am rarin' to go. (Maybe I shouldn't have had that third cup of coffee.) Oddly, the house is quiet as an empty church and outside my windows even the birds seem to be chirping tentatively. What's going on here? RTGFKAR (Ramon The Gringo Formerly Known As Raymond for you newcomers) and Woowoo Charly are still abed while R and ME have borrowed my car and are off to do something, I'm not sure what, with the other cruisers. Even Gus the Joe Cocker Spaniel seems unusually still this morning. There is something in the air I tell ya, and it's not rain. Well not yet anyway. What can it be? Maybe it is just the proverbial calm before the storm. If that ominous cloud to the north thickens up and slides our way, I'll have my answer. (Can you say thickens without feeling like you are lisping?)
Alrighty then, what shall we talk about to fill this noise void? How about politics?
Nah, that's Woowoo Charly's job. Give me Universal Health Care (That's health care for everything in the Universe in case you were uncertain of the meaning, tax relief for the middle class and the withdrawal of any troops that have invaded some other country in the last ten years and I will vote for you no matter if your party is Republican, Democratic, Independent or my own party, the Party Party with its platform of free golf for retirees, hors douvres and extended happy hours during all days of the week that end with the letter y. All in favor say aye! Here here. Or is it hear hear. No, politics need to be discussed on a philosophical level. (Philosophy is a word composed of two parts, Phil and Sophie. This pair were neighbors of Plato who was not only a thinker (that's not another lisp) but also, you might guess, a Spanish word meaning plate. Plato. Phil and Sophie bickered all the time over just about everything and tried to enlist anyone they encountered to their side of the argument. Phil's basic tenet was that everything should be tried out by the populace or demo-ed and he became known as a demo-crat. Sophie,on the other hand, became known as a Republican, a name she derived from - well, I don't really want to get into it, but if you break the word down, Re Pub - Lick Can, you will get the drift. As I am not philo and sophiecally conversant we will skip this for today and get on to the more important topic of sports. This is a word that clearly has something to do with spores and tees. However my hour is up, the Monkeymind has been loosed and it is time to move on to other things. If only I knew what they were.
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1 comment:
Happy you're feeling better and blogging more, too!
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