Friday, August 29, 2008

Dems, Pubs and Conventions

"What the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve." Napolean Hill Hmmm. I wonder why the mind can't conceive and believe in peace. Is it so impossible? Deepak Chopra and I don't think so.

Obama Nation believes all sorts of things are possible. Things like health care, global cooling, alternative energy, calorie free carbohydrates and low cost interplanetary travel, to name just a few. They don't, however, believe it is possible for Barry Bonds to hit that many home runs without the use of steroids or believe there is any hope of getting women to wear dresses again. That last is a crying shame.

Their leader, Barack to the drawing board, is an impressive guy. His nomination acceptance speech last night was a gem. It had to be to follow the Clintons compelling orations. Deadpan Gore would have been a tough act to follow too - his speech was quite good - if he hadn't been on crack yesterday. The man delivered his one hour speech in under 15 minutes. I'll have to check this, but I think that may be a new record.

It will be interesting to see how the Repubs respond next week. I'm thinking holograms of Ike and maybe Reagan will be necessary to fire up the crowd. What else can they do, trot out the Bushes? I'm thinking their last great Prez was Teddy Rose and if he were alive today he'd be a Dem or an Indy. Not to worry though, they'll think of something. They've got all those big brains like Dan Quail, George W, Rush Limbaugh and the shout you down Fox talk show hosts working for their side. Should be a good show. Oh yeah, and they've got that song Happy Days Are Here Again. I've always liked that one. It's got a feel good melody like Zippety Do Dah.

Since The Federation has dropped out of the race to handle that Klingon/Romulan thing and my own personal candidate, Paris Hilton, has decided not to run, I guess I will have to cast my vote for Obama. I have two solid reasons for doing so. One, he's clearly the best choice out there and two, he will be the U.S.'s first president whose name ends in a vowel. Oh yeah, and three, I hear he's got a sweet jumper from the top of the key. I can relate to that.


Unknown said...

Actually, the last two summers women in the city have been wearing lots of dresses. Short dresses, flowy dresses, feminine dresses. Very nice. The fashion world actually said it wouldn't happen again this summer--that boho menswear chic would be all the rage, and maybe it will be this fall--but this summer we all wore (well, me on work days) wore dresses.
Oh, and that Obama guy is pretty swell.
(we've been up so late every night this week it feels like the playoffs--watch the event, watch the postgame. laugh, cry, hope, wake up, do it all over again)

Anonymous said...

That McCain/Palin are campaigning on change is laughable.

That they denigrate Obama's work as a community organizer shouldn't surprise me, but the shrill way Palin derided his work - and everyone who works at the local level to lift people up and change their lives...well, it was shocking in its cynicism.

I read somewhere that every society gets the celebrities it deserves. This must be doubly true for its politicians.

Obama appeals to our higher nature and is called an elitist. Palin attacks the downtrodden and is called "one of us." Sigh.

If McCain wins it's because most people in this country are afraid. So afraid of change they're willing to continue with an administration that 80% of them agree has made their lives worse. Craziness.

Anonymous said...

And oh yeah, dresses. D's right. All over the city this summer....