I'm eating half of a chocolate muffin as I write this. I'll get to the other half later. The muffin while intact was the size of a softball. I was once able to pass by muffins and their evil minions, doughnuts, biscuits, turnovers, and their like, but alas, no more. In days of old when I was young...ger, I simply said, "shields up" and the tractor beams emitted by sugary confections bounced harmlessly away. I don't know why the Lord of Discipline has morphed into the Peon of Paunchiness, but I suspect it has something to do with my Buddhist/Taoist studies that had me earnestly shedding my ego like a snake its skin or an Autumn tree its leaves. Gone went the ego and all its superficial qualities, not the least of which - and herein lies the problem - is vanity. Without vanity there seems little need to maintain the slender physique of yore. The choice then was between the second doughnut or turning some sweet thing's head and I can tell you sincerely the doughnut had little chance. I was too vain. Now as I watch my face slowly sink south and my girth grow greatly - I'm ten or twelve pounds overweight and heading to New York where bagels are the size of meditation pillows - I feel no compulsion to do battle with my genetically inherited abdominal protrusion. It is what it is, a stomach that grows and shrinks as if on the waves of an internal tide and apart from the frequent belt adjustments this inspires, I care not a whit. I exercise now for heart health and not body svelte. That doesn't rhyme but it's as close as I could come.
Having thought these thoughts and put them to paper, I can now ponder their validity. Do I believe all that I have written here? I can't say for sure, but I sense the second half of the chocolate muffin getting closer and closer and closer.
We leave for NY Monday. NY may be a blog free zone...or not. We'll see how it goes.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
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You should be able to blog here! And while we will want you to fill up on all the lovely NYC bread you want, you'll also be pretty active.
Love the photo! You look great.
Can't wait to see you!
Wow, what a game! Wish we could see you guys while you're state side. Have fun. Love You.
The Waltons
Me too you D and H and kiddoes.
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