Wednesday, April 15, 2009

News of Late

I wasn't at my best for the visit by JBW. My stomach was housing some kind of internal amusement park where all the rides were tilt-a-whirls. Nausea was a frequent companion. Nevertheless a good time was had by all and my gorge - and here I mean the gorge of definition number three in my Webster's New World College Dictionary which I've used this time in lieu of my usual Old World Third Grade Dictionary With Pictures, that is to wit: the maw of a ferocious being or animal (actually the stuff swallowed by the maw) - stayed miraculously down. There were road trips and hikes, dinners in and out - the best of which was at friends B and L's house on Easter Sunday or, as it is called hereabouts...okay just by me, Zombie Day - golf, cocktails on the patio and elsewhere, jokes, conversations and dogs. There are always the dogs for amusement. There will be photos to follow, Woowoo Charly took ten or twelve, JB took eight or nine...hundred!, so the experience was duly chronicled in picture form.

Other happy notes to we here in the great Panama Outback are these: son Todd is pondering a visit in June or July and daughter Dara and mate are pondering a house purchase. Woowoo Charly is pondering a weight gain of several ounces and I'm pondering lunch. The first two of those have us goofily excited, which is the best kind.

Finally, I find myself compelled to note for reasons even I can't comprehend, that I have writing projects enough before me to fill my days and nights for weeks on end. With that in mind, I will now move to the TV room to catch the Manchester United vs. Porto FC soccer match in the quarterfinals of the UEFA tournament. Should be a good one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Toad visit!!!!!!