Friday, August 07, 2009

Unnotable News

"Oh give me land, lots of land under starry skies above, don't fence me in." Gene Autry, Raffy, Matty, Finny.

If all goes as expected - a thing that rarely occurs - our fence will be completed today. It is lacking only gates. Rumor has it that the gates, not standard here, have been all but constructed in B and L's garage (level surface, out of the rain) and will be installed later today. Chickens will again run fearlessly free. The fence will arrive not a moment too soon as Woowooo Charly has been making calls and scrolling through the phone book for someone to execute a hit on the two Cocker pups. Since being chained to prevent their marauding the neighborhood, they have displayed their displeasure by turning our house into their personal bathroom...again. And, with chickens no longer available, apparently any feathered creature within their range will suffice. To wit, yesterday, when left alone for a couple of hours, one of our new pillows was hunted, cornered, killed and eviscerated, the carnage spread about the bedroom like a CSI crime scene. All that was lacking was yellow tape.

Finnegan, however, remains a GOOD BOY.

In other not of note news, the Monkeymind made a comeback early this morning after a fitful, turbulent, turning and tossed like a salad night's sleep which is to say there wasn't much of it. Sleep, that is. Tylenol PMs were consumed like Tylenol M and M's to no avail. I found the sleeplessness curious in that by using my Buddhist and Enneagram training I was able to remove myself from my thoughts so that I could view them from afar to determine the problem and came up with a big fat nothing. There was no problem there, just a lot of brain cells wandering about saying "Yo Dude, can we get some sleep here?" Eventually, I suppose, I did drift off because I remember the fragments of a mundane dream or two - you'd think if you are going to dream it would at least be entertaining - before being nudged awake by Finnegan's cold nose. (He puts his forepaws on the bed, leans in and nuzzles when he thinks I should be up and at 'em.)
It was at that moment the Monkeymind sparked to life and came up with a resolution to a plot problem (I didn't have a plot was the problem) to a story I've been writing. I lay there a bit longer and worked it all out before getting up. Cool beans. Now, if the fence guys show up, the day will be a good one. With golf on the tube, droning in the background, I'm sure a nap can be had.


Anonymous said...

Yay! The fence! I want to see pics.

Give Finny a smooch for me. The others can get a kiss when they start behaving themselves again.

Anonymous said...

Hey - just read this: "When Novelists Sober Up." What do you think?