Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Not Today

Nevermind. I was going to write a blog, but after staring off into the fog outside my window and mentally sifting through potential subjects that I know enough to expound upon, ie: my dogs, the Denver Broncos, how to operate a television remote control device and phlegm, I've decided to spare you and skip the whole thing because, really...well, just really.

Tomorrow though, when I'm feeling better, I'll tell you all about the wasp nest that has been hanging above us on the patio for some time now and our plans to do something about that real soon which we have also had for some time now. I will probably also talk a bit about the weather and how I can tell when it is going to rain by the heads up I get from assorted body parts I damaged in 1958 and also by the sky which I've noticed usually gets darker in our neighborhood. I might even discuss a book of essays I'm reading called "Consider the Lobster" which is a title I think is so awesome, I'm going to copy the theme and write a book called "Consider Crabs." If you are lucky, there's a chance I will discuss today's UEFA League Futbol match between Spain's Real Madrid and Italy's Milan which promises to be a good one to nap to. If I am truly inspired I will go on at length about how exciting it is for me to move from one room to another and just how educational it is to make these journeys through what I now call my wider world. Travel truly is broadening. And finally, if my muse slaps me around for awhile, I will likely discuss how weird I find it that Vanity Fairs's latest "Collectors' Edition" has a picture of a child molester on the cover.

All these and more tomorrow...probably. For today though, there is nothing of note, so I'll just skip it.

1 comment:

Joe said...

That's one of the better "non-posts" I've read!