Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Heelboy and Questions Posed

"Hellboy II" Now we're talking. This flick is a nifty marriage of drama and wild imagination made visual by special effects unheard of even a decade ago. The creatures shown here make Hellboy himself appear normal, although some of that may be attributed to Ron Pearlman's very human interpretation of the character. The whole movie is played not quite tongue-in-cheek, but less than serious for the most part. (There is a bit of pathos at the end.) My rating on the Fun Scale (No Fun, Fun, Big Fun, Freakin Fabulous Fun) is Big Fun. Check it out.

I recently read that it takes the average person seven minutes to go to sleep; this, of course, after turning out the lights and hunkering down for that very purpose. Seven minutes seems about right to me. My dilemma occurs during that short interval because I start the slip down to sleep process by thinking of some bit of writing I want to do. Quite often I get an idea that strikes me as worthwhile. I know from past experience that even if I tell myself to remember this bit of worthwhile in the morning, it won't happen. The idea will be lost. My choice then is to let it go or turn on the lights, get up and write it down. If I do the latter, the seven minute process will have to begin again, but this time from a more awakened state than the first time. Seven minutes will likely grow to double that or more as I now have an idea fully formed and ready to chew on. Since I doused the lights, plumped the pillow and pulled the blanket to my chin ready for sleep in the first place, and further, knowing that many of the ideas I have written down on other occasions turn out to be not-so-hot anyway, I most often choose to let the idea slip away. In the morning, though, I can't remember the idea, but I always remember that I had one and this makes me frustrated and guilty about my laziness even though I know that lying in bed not being able to sleep is a frustration of a much higher order. What to do, what to do.

Another bit of frustration (I prefer the English pronunciation, frus-TRY-shun) just occurred. A little square of something popped up in the lower right hand portion of my screen. This happens quite frequently and I don't know what it is as I never see it appear. I only notice it as it blinks off. What in the world is it and what am I missing? Anybody know?

My last chunk of unresolved problems - that's right, problems not issues - concerns my health or lack thereof that I promised myself I would no longer write about, although I appreciate the material it has given me. (If I'm going to break a promise, best it's one to myself.) Maybe this has happened to you. Have you ever felt that you were sick, but not nearly sick enough to go to a doctor and found that the small sick persists...and persists.

I wonder what Hellboy would do.


Anonymous said...

hmmm. thought my comment posted yesterday - let's try this again!

(1) don't you have a small digital recorder? i remember you had one way back when. cause if you do, you could keep it on the beside table. that way, when you get an idea just before you doze off, you can record it. no getting up, turning on the light, putting pen to paper. voila!

(2) that is an indisputable sign that your computer is being hacked by alien life forms.

(3) i'm so sorry you're still sick! i had that yucky lingering thing this past spring - for eight weeks! i finally beat it massive antibiotics, vitamins, lots of water, good food, and sleep. get better soon papa! xox

Zendoc said...

(1) Good idea. Now where did I put that thing?

(2) Leave your mother out of this.)

(3) Eight weeks, eh? I'm at seven and going for the record.