Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A Big Fun Day

We bought a Christmas Tree yesterday, or maybe, given our hazy religious predilections, it should be called a Buddha Bush, a Taoist Decoration or an Agnostic Arbol, but anyway we bought one of the save-the-planet artificial varieties along with several silver wreaths and a box of silver and blue...ornaments. (I was going to say blue balls, but then I would have to go off on a tangent that isn't Christmassy at all.) Woowoo Charly (Maybe our tree should be called Woowoo Wood) likes blue and silver...everything.

We found the tree in our small, local department store, La Reina, (The Queen) which dedicates about a quarter of its floor space to exclusively Christmas stuff. The tree was in a row of other artificial pines all decked out to show potential customers how nice they could look. When I pointed out the one we wanted to a salesgirl, she said it was "unico", the only one, and then went off to find some sort of container. While she was gone, Woowoo Charly and I, not ones to stand idly by, set about removing all the ornaments and other decorations from the tree. We had just neatly polished off the job when the salesgirl returned with a brand new tree in a box. The one we had undecorated, it turned out, was not "unico" after all. Ah well, "No te preocupe", don't worry, we were told, "No hay una problema." Alrighty then.

Earlier in the day, Woowoo Charly had gotten her hair cut and colored. Following that, she and I had a nice lunch at El Oasis Restaurant where she told me this story: She had a bug bite on the back of her head that she had scratched repeatedly. While in Roxanna's, the hair stylist chair, the bite began to bleed a little. Roxanna asked what it was and did it hurt. Woowoo Charly showing off her Spanish said "no porque estoy fuente." Roxanna laughed at that and Woo Charly didn't know why until I explained to her at lunch that she had said, "no, because I am a fountain." She had meant to say "fuerte" which means strong. Ha! Charly also told me that before she went to get her hair cut, she had looked up the Spanish word for layered so that she could explain to Roxanna exactly what she wanted done. When she got there and proudly served up the word, (I don't know what it is) Roxanna said, "Oh, you want it layered" in English. Big fun.

After the haircut, the lunch and the tree buying, Woowoo Chuck and I were having too nice a day to head directly home, so we drove over to the Panamonte Hotel/Bar/Restaurant to have a Cappuccino and Gran Marnier. While we were there, we ran into a friend of ours, who upon hearing of my recent health woes suggested (having had the same problems herself) the course of treatment that worked for her. It involves a steroid called Prednisone that you take seven of the first day, six, the second, five the third, etc. I started the plan at six this morning. It is now nearly ten. At noon I am going to go out, pick up my car and carry it to town. These pills are awesome.


Unknown said...

So happy you have a fake tree with silver and blue ornaments. Happy festivus!
I am a bit disturbed by the aside about the bleeding head wound...
Hope the steroids work for you! They worked great for Jax, along with the nebulizer treatments.

Anonymous said...

yay for blue & white xmas (isn't that hannukah?!) and for steroids and for mom's new spanish-so-good-she-gets-the-haircut-she wants! and yay for the o-ah-sees and the panamonte. love picturing you guys having a big fun day.