Monday, December 07, 2009

Monday Shows Up Again

A low flying, dim rainbow is struggling to survive against a graying sky outside my northern exposure window this a.m. There is wind in the willows, well there would be if we had willows, and rain is in the offing. Alas, too bad, tut tut, and like that.

Several days of sunshine and already we are spoiled. To paraphrase the words of the immortal, never to be forgotten What-sis-name from the movie "Treasure of the Sierra Madre", we don't need no stinking rain. Sierra madre, by the way, for you non Spanish speakers, means "Yo Mama" in English.

I awoke this morning to learn that the college bowl games have all been arranged and was thrilled almost to coma to read that Marshall will be playing Ohio in the Little Caesars Pizza Bowl. Yup, there is a Pizza Bowl. I'm betting the broadcasting network of this baby just can't wait to air it's sure-to-be ratings bonanza.

In other news this morning, Tiger Woods has been implicated in the mysterious deaths of Michael Jackson, Princess Di and JFK. When asked to comment Tiger said, "Sierra Madre."

The Denver Broncos, meanwhile, have captured the attention of the entire nation by winning their second game in a row after receiving a half time, locker room, pep-talk from the aforementioned Woods and a buxom cheerleader who Tiger described as just a friend. Nike, Tiger's principal sponsor has declared it's support for Tiger in these difficult times and in an effort to capitalize on Tiger's still massive following is now offering a complete line of skimpily clad cheerleader dolls marketed as "Tiger's Just Friends" and sporting the Nike swoosh in all the right places.

Aside: Saturday Night Live may have had the best Tiger line when it, in a news flash reported, "Tiger hit a tree with his car last night and a whole lot of women fell out of it." This is funny and accurate.

Spring cleaning begins in earnest today as Spring, December 7th and 8th, is now upon us here in Boquete, land of the wild gringo and home of the humming bird-brains. My plan is to do the windows last. I don't want to look at the rain.


Unknown said...

Yay for Spring for you!

#1son said...

It's 4 degrees in Denver. Seriously,4 degrees.

Anonymous said...

honestly, what is it with Threes and sex addiction?

Zendoc said...

it sounds like it should be a "7" thing to me, because, you know, If you've got to have an addiction well... (Part of the "if some is good, more is better" "7" mandate.