Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Damn You Fred

I've been reading the other Panama gringo bloggers that I know of and every one is flat jump up hallelujah happy to be here. There is some concern about the gringo man who was murdered in nearby Dolega a few days ago, but it doesn't seem to have dampened the enthusiasm for Panamanian life that is shared by, well, most of us anyway. I was feeling good, even privileged, to be in residence here until I clicked on the site that is one of my favorites. Fred is an ex-pat living in Mexico who I find to be an original thinker and truly creative writer. Fred is not, however, the most optimistic of bloggers. By that I mean the sun apparently never shines on Fred's neighborhood. His column today, called "Why Mexicans Hate Gringos" was disturbing in that much of what he says could apply to the Panamanian/Gringo relationship as well. The dozen or so Panamanians that Woowoo, RTGFKAR, and I know well, I'm convinced, like us and find us good people. I doubt, however, that we are representatives of the average gringo attitude here. We live very low profile lives among both the Panamanian and gringo communities. We try to fit in quietly, unobtrusively, recalling Star Trek's prime directive, "First, do no harm." We don't want to change Panama in any way that Panamanians don't want for themselves. Few of them, however, know this about us, so I have to wonder as I walk through Panamanian streets, if the average Panamanian thinks I am an average gringo, which is to say according to Fred, (more or less) a rich asshole. I hope not, but I fear that it is perhaps true.

(And now I have bummed myself completely out. Or is it Fred's fault?)

(For those of you who know me and find the words "quiet" and "unobtrusive" a surprise in my description of myself, know that, for the most part, these descriptions are now true. Of course I can still be affable and out-going when the occasion is called for, but the difference is that I no longer seek out those occasions. I am content where I sit.)

And now to erase Fred's inflicted bummer, I will go read more of Conroy's "South of Broad", but not too much, I don't want it to be over in a hurry. After that, I will contemplate tomorrow's golf, a sport, I doubt seriously, Fred plays and, I hope, never writes about.


Joe F. Clark said...

You I was walking around there with you guys last week I wondered what the Panamanians thought of us (Gringos). It seems like the stereotype of rich asshole might in part be true. I got the feeling they thought we were all rich, not sure about the asshole part. It did seem that many things for sale there had two prices; one for Panamanians and one for Gringos.

#2son said...

Perhaps some good old volunteer work could help change some attitudes. You could find a school and read to the young-uns. You like to read. Schools always need help. It would do wonders for your spanish as well. Good will goes a long way.

Anonymous said...

good idea, #2!