Monday, August 23, 2010

In a World of Wet

I wasn't going to blog today. I was going to, instead, write a critically acclaimed, best seller. Two circumstances of note, however, diverted me from my good intention.

The first was Old Girl. Some of you know about this neighborhood wandering ancient dog who had made a spot near our front door her resting place when she is not...somewhere else. We feed her, of course, - she is always dreadfully skinny - and we had placed an unused by our dogs doggie-bed in her favorite corner for her napping comfort. A couple of days ago, because that doggie-bed had become tattered and filthy, I bought her a new one. To the left you can see a picture of Old Girl and her new bed on their first day together. Apparently she prefers the bed's stuffing to be outside the bed. Oh man. Dog stuff. Who can figure.

The second event distracting me from making the classics mere comic books beside my opus was rain, yesterday's rain. It fell somewhere in excess of abundance. It fell in such a fearsome torrent that I was compelled to pour a bit of scotch over some ice and retire to the patio to watch the storm. Woowoo Charly joined me after a bit and we both noted, beyond the close up sound of the rainfall, a sort of undercurrent of roar. This we deduced correctly was the Caldera River screaming through the valley far below us. It sounded like an endless convoy of semis or tanks passing by. This morning we are told of bridges out and damage done. Nothing like the flood of a few years ago, but still a mess. an undoubtedly expensive mess. I plan on surveying the damage myself a bit later in the day if, of course, it doesn't rain again before I have a chance. The sky at the moment has on its best poker face. It's unreadable, sort of hazy blue, gray around the edges. Could go either way.

(Up close and personal we are without running water and are told that it may be a few days before service is restored.)

Alrighty then. Now I can get on to writing the book. I've forgotten my original plot, but I'm thinking of an old dog's voyage on a boat full of animals sailing about waiting for the rain to stop. Benji meets Noah in Waterworld. I think it is an idea that will to speak.


#1 said...

Who needs running water... you've got scotch

Zendoc said...

Scotch doesn't flush the toilets.

Anonymous said...

Yay! Old Girl! (where's the pic?)

Boo! More rain! (you guys have water yet?)