Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday Blithering

My take on a too often aired commercial.

Are you?

Yes I am in about fifteen years. I'm here to tell you that you need to have plan to see that your financial future will be safe and secure.

Alrighty then, Old Self. Here's my plan: You tell me who wins the Kentucky Derby, the World Series, The Super Bowl and, oh, I don't know, say, the Indianapolis 500, in each of the next fifteen years and I guarantee my financial future will be a dandy! Of course it wouldn't hurt to know which stocks to invest in as well, so go ahead and throw those in for good measure.

I hate commercials; all but the funny ones, that is. And even those, I only like once. (I'm not a violent person so someone else please shoot that woman from Progressive who says, "Happens to me all the time.")

The Denver Broncos didn't look too bad last night if you forget those parts of the game that include blocking, tackling, running, throwing, kicking and catching. I fear it's going to be a long year for we Denver fans, all six of us.

That's it. I have nothing else to say except don't ground your club in a sand bunker.



Joe F. Clark said...

In the off chance I get invited to a Bronco's game this season should I bring a magazine and a board game?

Zendoc said...

Sure. We will need things to throw at the screen.

#2son said...

Men who stare at donkeys.

We are in for a long season. Injuries will again kill us. 5 wins would be good.