Thursday, August 26, 2010

Water Water Everywhere...

And then, on the fourth day, the Lord said, "Let there be water." Unfortunately, Juan, working down at the aqueduct, said, "Not so fast there Big Fella!"

RTGFKAR became aware that our water had been turned on yesterday in the early eve. His awareness of this happy event was funneled through his socks which had suddenly become wet. Because he is, at the moment, okay all the time, hearing impaired, RTGFKAR was watching television with the volume setting used by SETI when trying to attract an alien response from outer space, consequently, leaving him unable to hear the water pouring from the nearby guest bathroom's spigot. That the spigot had been turned on and, further, that the faucet itself was turned sideways and thus was dumping its water flow onto the counter and then to the floor was a consequence of my having fallen from a roof and broken my back when I was nineteen years old. How so?, you might ask, and just because you might, I'm going to tell you. You see, now that I am older than the dust bunnies under Pyramid beds, I have what is technically known in medical circles as a Bad Back. Because of this bad back business, I list bending and lifting, either separately or together, as things to be avoided whenever possible. As you might or might not know but will for sure in a minute, we have had no water service to our house since Sunday. No tsk tsk so sads are necessary, we can handle it. RTGfKAR and I go down to our nearby quebrada and fill tubs with water for cleaning and toilet flushing. Potable water we get from neighbor and pal Dalys who has a well. It's that toilet flushing thing linked to my back that caused the problem. Being a be prepared former Boy Scout drop out, I had brought a bucket to the bathroom filled with water to use as a flushing aid. To those of you who don't know that a bucket of water dumped into your john will make it flush, I can only say, whoa Dude, sorry. Because a bucket of water is a heavy sort of thing, I decided to not put it on the floor where I would have to bend to pick it up. I decided, instead, to set it in the bathroom sink where I or others could grab it and use it without subsequent back strain. The sink's spigot, its griffo, I think the word is in Spanish, I turned sideways to allow room for the bucket. Unbeknownst (I like that word) to me, I also turned on the cold water faucet as I did so and, hence, enabled the mini water disaster that was to follow.

When RTGFKAR got up from his viewing during a commercial break to forage for a snack, he and his sandals and socks found the water streaming from under the bathroom door. As it was raining at the time he feared it might be water seeping through an exterior wall but was happy, more or less, to find it was only the sink and bucket problem I have herein described. He and I then set about cleaning up the mess, he with a water vac of some kind and me with a mop and pail. It took less than half an hour and it was a task we didn't really mind as it meant, Hooray, our water is back on!

It was shortly after that that Juan said to God not so fast and shut us off anew.

I would be remiss if I didn't also mention that Enrique down at the power plant - to demonstrate his power, I suppose - turned us off as well for the rest of the night. He, though, I also suppose, being a gentler, kinder sort of bloke, lit us back up first thing in the morning.

This saga will continue if it continues.


Anonymous said...

Sheesh! Water still off?

Anonymous said...

Please, I don't wear socks with my sandals!