Friday, September 07, 2012


I suppose I should say something about the Repub-lycan and Democratic Conventions because everybody else is doing so and who am I to not put my two cents in?  Alas, what can I say that hasn't already been said?

How about this?  The first syllable of the word conventions is con.  Doesn't that tell us enough about what was going on?  If you add the next part of the word you get convent which is where, I think, the liars in both Parties should be sent to learn some humility, get their forked tongues straightened out, and their asses kicked on a regular basis by mean nuns.  (Some of the Lycans, no doubt, will get off on that last part.  The end of the word is ions and if I had paid more attention in Science Class I might have something clever to say about that as well, but, again alas, I didn't, so I can't.  You math/science people will have to do it for me.  Here's a couple of blank lines for you to fill in and showcase your wit:

I try to have an open mind, which is easier for me than most people because there is a lot of unused space up there, but I was pretty certain, okay ninety-nine percent certain, that nothing being said was going to change my mind vis a vis who I was going to vote for. The remaining one percent I left open for sudden death or either candidate saying, "This is crazy! Why would anybody want this job?" and then dropping out.  The "vis a vis" I threw in because it suddenly came to me and I figured if I used it, it might make me sound smarter even though I am not certain I used it properly.  I didn't take Latin in school - that is Latin isn't it? - but if I had, the results might have been the same as my Science Class experience.

Therefore - I say that "therefore" as if anyone still has a thread of what I was heretofore saying - I watched both conventions for their entertainment value.  The Lycans offered very little along those lines apart from Clint Eastwood who was occasionally funny, but in the long run an embarrassment to all we old folk. Romney, the main attraction, was a complete snoozer.  The Dems, however, brought their A-game.  Everyone seemed to have their parts well rehearsed and the biggies, B. Clinton and B. Obama, delivered dandy performances.  Michelle Obama and Elizabeth Warren both fall into the "A Star is Born" category.  Still, as entertainment goes - and I say this humbly and not meaning to offend or imply that these were not important events - I would rather see a movie.


Anonymous said...

Modern politics = Entertainment

Joe just said, "hey, Obama's speech is tonight."

I replied, "which one?"

I had no idea about the Democratic convention. Ahh, I love living in the woods and paying no attention to the news!

Anonymous said...

Also, when I think of politicians, I'm reminded of the unpopular kids in school.

Not the indifferent ones - the nerds or the stoners who didn't care about being popular - but the type-A kids who wanted desperately to be popular but were dorky or off in some way and were shunned by the "in" crowd. Those kids never stopped striving, they just got mean.

And then some of them became politicians.