Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Rainy Day

It rained all day yestidday so I went down to da Bada Bing to shoot some stick and tawk to da guys. Paulie and Cristafah wuz already dere. Tone and Sil came in latah. Sil brought some gabagule and baked ziti wid im, so we din't have ta manja dat fuckin bah food. Aftah eatin an playin a couple racks, we moved to da back room to discuss some bizness. It ad been a coupla weeks since we whacked sum bahdy and we wuz all gettin a little itchy, a little tight, if ya know whad i'm sayin. Tone was havin some problems at home wid Carm, Paulie's mom was drivin im crazy and Christafah was all jumpy like, so I'm tinking he's back on da juice. Anywayz, dey looked like dey could use a little action ta blow off steam or sometin. Me and Sil was nawmal as usual, wich is ta say, always ready ta whack sum gavone for dah famly. Hey, mamaluche, idz my job. So aftah kickin it aroun faw an ow-ah or so, we tahget one a dah New Yawk mob dats been cuttin in ta ah supply of dansahs, you know, payin em maw to shake der tits at his club. Dis ain't nice. Dis ain't right. Dis ain't respectful. Ya gotta ask fuhst. Plus we heah in Jersey don't like dose New Yawk cocksukahs anyway. Da plan is dis. We're gonna get Christafa's girlfriend to go down ta dis mope's joint and audition faw im. Adriana's got a body on er like, how can I say dis, widout offendin Christafah, like vada vada voom if ya know whad i'm sayin. She's gonna come on ta da guy and ged im to take huh to huh houze. When he comes true da daw ah dah place, we'll all be waitin. I'm a simple, straight fawwad kinda guy, so ahm just gonna shoot im. Tone, he likes the wire so he's goin for da garrote. Paulie's a shiv man and Christafah he'll just plain beat ya ta death, so it shud be a fun time faw every bahdy. Aftawuhds, we'll chop im up and pud em in kitchen bags, take em to da shaw an feed im to da fishes. Mahhdone, dis is gonna be fun.

It did rain all day yesterday and there was a best of The Sopranos marathon on cable. Guess what I did.


Anonymous said...

Aw right you two pixies, tru da douah owa out da winduh. Fuhgettaboutit.

Anonymous said...

Ps. Somebody needs tuh whack da plummah so's we don't halfta scrap da whole season.

Anonymous said...

#1son said...
Dey wacked Adriana. Too bad uh?