Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Blog for No Reason

There is no longer an outdoors outdoors. Ever since the pups have been here they have made it a habit to bring a little bit of the outdoors indoors each day. As a good pup parent I would then sweep up the bit of outdoors that had found its way indoors and put it in a trash bag that gets taken to a downtown drop spot on a regular basis. Since there is only a finite amount of outdoors outdoors it was inevitable that one day it would be all gone. Today is that day. I swept up the last of it first thing in the morning and then took my coffee out to the patio to wonder where the rest of it is now.

My thoughts on health care. (Okay, my thought. I rarely have more than one.) There are people like me who don't want their lives to be about money. They want it, instead, to be about art or literature or teaching or study or countless other occupations. They don't really care about the pursuit of money and DON'T WANT TO CARE ABOUT IT. With the exception of those whose desired endeavors accidentally make money - a small percentage - the single thing that most often stops people from getting off the money trail and on to that of their dreams is the cost of health insurance or the cost of paying for health care if you don't have insurance. Most Americans (I'm talking about Americans) can find a way working at what they want to cover the food, clothing, shelter imperatives, but the cost of health drives them to other professions and the reaching, grasping, clutching money grab that consumes so many. It is dehumanizing to work solely for money - if you don't want to. So let's put a stop to all that and vote for Obama and Universal Health Care.

What's that you say? We already did? Alrighty then. That's a start.

(In future blogs I will cover other issues of the day, like, for instance, uh...war.
I'm against it.)


Luis Portugal said...

Hello, I like the blog.
It is beautiful.
Sorry not write more, but my English is bad writing.
A hug from Portugal

Zendoc said...

Thanks Luis. Sorry about FC Porto losing to Manchester United in the UEFA quarter finals.