Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Keeping You Posted

Gully is not a word meaning shallow trench - these days - but rather tough, macho or even brutal. It can also be used to mean genuine as in "keep it gully bro." This is one of those things you need to know if you travel with a hyphy, (amped up), hip posse of wankstas (pretend gangsters) like I do.

I realize that most of you, having jobs and families and such are not always able to keep up with we fast paced geezers, so I try to put in the latest stuff I've become aware of in an effort to keep you abreast of "wass happenin dude."

And speaking of Dude, I learned last night or maybe it was the night before, that Jeff Bridges is up for an Academy Award. I'm sure this is for his portrayal of Dude in the Big Lebowski, but the Academy, always slow to recognize greatness, will probably nominate him for some other flick. The Big Lebowski is among my favorite movies because I was just one more acid "trip" from having it been my life story. Most people don't get to see what would have happened if they had taken a different path, but right there up on the big screen was my other could-have-been life. I certainly like the life I've chosen better, but I have to admit that being "The Dude" would definitely have had its moments. So I say Academy Members - because I know you are reading this - give the statue to Jeff. He played me better than I could have done it myself.


Unknown said...


#2son said...

That movie is also important for having the greatest line ever. Spoken by john goodman's character several times, and I quote, " Shut the fuck up Donnie."

Zendoc said...

I thought of that line as I was writing the blog. How could I not?

Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha. love love love The Dude. love that line. love the men in my family.

love that you took the path that led you to us, Pops!