Friday, April 02, 2010

More news Because I'm Saving My Creativity For Other Things.

Well here I am blogging when I should, perhaps, be doing Other Things. Not to worry, I tell myself, I'll get to every Thing in due time.

Yesterday's site had a posting from Panama's President something Martinelli. I can't remember his first name. It was very formally written and stated that all immigrant residents of Panama would have to learn Spanish and pass both a written and oral exam to prove they had done so. (I'm also betting that you would have to know Martinelli's first name!) Responses to the posting included a lot of "Oh my Gods!" and other outbursts of panic. I thought to myself (as if I could think to someone else) that I was sure I could pass the written test, but the oral exam would depend on who was doing the testing and how rapidly they spoke. Of course I might end up living alone after the deportation of Woowoo Charly and RTGFKAR. The posting was a hoax, an April Fool's gag, but I found myself thinking the whole thing might be a good idea. With a little tutoring and cramming, Woowoo and RTGF would make it through, but all those "Why don't they learn to speak English like us?" ugly Americans would be sent packing and I'm all for that.

I finished reading "South of Broad" yesterday and concluded that it was a perfect example of why I read in the first place. To wit, I read in hopes of every now and then stumbling upon a book as intellectually, emotionally, and... something else, spiritually perhaps, satisfying as "South of Broad." That said, I am also aware of the "different strokes for different folks" concept, so if you read the book because of my recommendation and don't like it...I'm sorry...for you. (Ha!)

And this from the No Reason To Mention It But I Am Going To Anyway Department: Our dogs wake me up every morning between six and six thirty. I only mind on those mornings when their fussing rips me from a good dream. I love a good dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm so glad you liked south of broad - based on your recommendation, i'm going to read it now!