Preparation is, as many people have said, the principal key to success. A good night's sleep, in my opinion, is second.
Woowoo Charly and I are now bespectacled people. Well sure, we've been donning the magnifiers for years to read, but the world out there beyond the book was clear enough for the most part. What changed my mind about the "clear enough" was the disappearance of my flying golf balls after about 150 yards. Like Droopy the Dog - remember him? - I was often heard to ask, "Where did they go, where did they go?" Of course some of that was not my eyes, but rather the weird flight direction of the little dimpled bastards, but you get my general drift. Couple that with sitting ever closer to the television screen and avoiding night time driving and you quickly find both Woowoo and I holding a hand over one eye and saying "That's an e, no wait, an f and the next one is an o or is it a c" to a kindly gray haired doctor with a penchant for shining a small bright light in our eyes. When he announced to me, "You need glasses," I refrained from saying "Duh."
I got to put my new enhanced vision to the test fifteen minutes after its acquisition Monday afternoon. We were driving to pick up RTGFKAR at the aeropuerto in David when a rain storm heavy enough to inspire the Noah in us all made headway a creep along carefully sort of thing. "Look," I said to Woowoo Charly who was muttering small ladylike incantations like, "This is fucking ridiculous" as I alternately raised my new glasses above my eyes and then put them back in place, "here's fuzzy gray rain and fog and now here's clear gray rain and fog. I can't see through either one of them."
We made it to David eventually despite stomach knots and shoulders scrunched from tension. We had allowed enough time before RTGFKAR's arrival for a PriceSmart run and while there I noted that not only was I able to read the smart prices, (I was hoping for prices so low they would be considered stupid) I could see all the way to the end of the aisles clearly...Nice.
So there you have that.
One final note, a first. RTGFKAR arrived an hour early! Have you ever heard of any plane touching down that early? What happened was that RTGFKAR was hangin' at the airport so they just put him on an earlier flight. Alrighty then, also...nice.
Should I mention that we have no water again this morning or is that getting redundant?
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You are one of the only people I know that can make an afternoon of getting eyeglasses, pricemart shopping, driving in horrible rain, and picking up someone at the airport Really. I love your anecdotes. While I can't make my pedestrian adventures sound as droll as yours, I do try to view them that way at least. Spoonful of sugar and all that. Thanks for that!
Hey, when did your drives begin surpassing 150 yards? Must be the new technology.
Thank you sweet Dara. I appreciate you saying so.
To #1: I'm counting the roll.
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