Friday, April 11, 2008

Hermiting Happily

Woowoo Charly has pink Crocs. She has abandoned all her other footwear in favor of her pink Crocs. She wears them all the time. I don't get it myself. I have blue Crocs. I use them as slippers, nothing else. They are not THAT comfortable. Crocs and knock off versions of Crocs like ours are, are a phenomena in this part of the world. You see them everywhere. Is it the same where you are? (And have you ever written a sentence with "our, are are" in it?)


My life as a hermit has been seriously challenged this week. I have been forced to leave the house every day for one reason or another. These coercions mess with my pat routine of writing, exercising, reading, napping, watching sports on the big screen, smoking a cigar, sipping a scotch and going to bed. Eating is optional, of course, although most days I choose it even if it does take up my otherwise valuable time. As we hermits all know, leaving the hermitage can only lead to problems. Last year, for instance, I left the house one day and came back without a gall bladder. And last week, just to show how bad things can get when I venture too far astray, I went out to try a new restaurant and it cost me over one hundred dollars! Seventy five of that was for a not wearing a seat belt, but you get my point. You don't get traffic tickets if you stay in your cave. RTGFKAR left the house a couple of weeks ago and came back with seriously shorter hair. That's not going to happen to me. I'm not going to lose my strength. No one has held me down and cut my hair since last year. And they are not going to. I'm letting it grow until it's at true hermit length all stringy and nasty. Then maybe people will quit luring me away from the house. I do like to go out and walk around a little bit, but not too far. Every night before going to bed Gus and I go out to "walk the perimeter." We check to make sure the stars are all in the right place and also we pee. I play the light from my flash over odd noises and such, but I never see anything. It's a good ritual. After that we roll the boulder in front of the cave entrance and then we go to sleep. I dream about staying in and staying out of trouble. Gus chases cats. It's not really weird, you know. I do go out deliberately on Tuesdays. Tuesdays I play golf.

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