Thursday, April 03, 2008


That blog a few days ago that was a pseudo poem? I was trying very hard not to rhyme, a thing that comes easily to me, rhyming that is, and write instead a more sophisticated poem; one that expressed a view and a feeling without spelling it out too literally. Big failure eh? Not to worry, next time I'll rhyme it up. In fact I may even go back and fix that one. Gotta stick to what you do best. The thing I was trying to say, in case you didn't get it, was that I needed to be writing something other than this blog as I was getting "blogged" down. Since then I have been flooded with ideas and now have three other things underway; two mostly still in my head, but crying to come out. I guess, as Woowoo Charly is often wont to say "you have to throw it out to the Universe and see what happens.

Just thought you'd like to know.

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