Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Limbaughs And More Limbaughs

I cannot tell a limbaugh. I did chop down the cherry tree.

He was limbaughing through his teeth.

Caught limbaughing to the Grand Jury, Bonds was sentenced to five years in the slammer.

He's a pathological limbaugher.

Did you catch the remake of that old flick, "Sex, Limbaughs and Video Tape"?

He limbaughs like a rug.

There is no such thing as a little, white limbaugh.

Tell me no secrets and I will tell you no limbaughs.

You can tell when Bush is limbaughing, his mouth is moving.

And don't forget there are limbaughs of omission.

'tis a sin to tell a limbaugh.

Though his ball was in the rough, he had a pretty good limbaugh.

Who are the biggest limbaughers, fishermen or golfers?

Remember that old song, "You cheated, you limbaughed, you said that you loved me"?

That's a big, fat limbaugh!

Every time Pinocchio told a limbaugh, his nose grew longer.

That's a bald faced limbaugh!

And how about that Eagles song, "You can't hide your limbaughing eyes"?

Limbaugher, limbaugher, pants on fire.

Feel free to add to this list.


Anonymous said...

Oh what a labrynthine maw we open with that first Limbaugh!

Anonymous said...

With their 3rd pick in the fourth round, the Denver Broncos selected an outside limbaugh from Penn State Univ.

Zendoc said...

#1 son go read it again. I don't think you got it.

"...labrynthine maw"? Must be Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

I get it, he's a lier. I just wanted to expand the concept of his name.
The Broncos are hoping their draft pick will provide a RUSH from the RIGHT side. Their new blitz package would be called, "the riot".