Wednesday, January 25, 2012


There is no better feeling than the one that arises after scoring a hole-in-one. There are moments of exhilarating happiness that occur along life's path, but nothing to compare with scoring a hole-in-one. I have caught and intercepted passes for touchdowns. I have hit game winning jump shots and doubled in game winning runs. I have defeated bullies in combat and I have run the good race in all my athletic endeavors, but nothing compares with scoring a hole-in-one. Beyond the field of sports I have sky dived and parachuted from an airplane. I have driven motorcycles and cars at reckless speeds and I have hurdled fences on horseback. I have slept with both virgins and the wildly experienced and I have consumed mind altering drugs. I have known moments of sheer bodily boggling joy as when the woman I loved said yes to my proposal and when my children were born, but nothing, absolutely NOTHING, compares with the feeling you get when you score a hole-in-one. Or, at least, that's what I'm told. I can't say for certain, I've never actually had one.

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