Monday, July 05, 2010

Feeling Groov...Soggy.

"You have to eat your greens."
"Green leafy vegetables are good for you."

I sure hope so. I'm looking out the window and there are zillions of green leafy plants available to eat should I choose to do so. I'm wondering, though, just how many of them are truly edible.

The reason I bring this up is that this choice to graze or not to graze may be made for us...immanently. By immanently I mean in, say, a year or so. You see our friendly neighborhood weather guy, Lloyd Crikeymate, recently emailed to our community the latest rainfall statistics. We here in Boquete received 51 inches of rain in the month of June. This compares with the 24 inches we received last year and the 13 inches we sloshed about in the year before that. Do you see the trend? July, I should point out, is off to the same "my socks are soaked" start as June. At the current rate of accumulation, the actual town of Boquete, nestled as it is in a valley, will be inundated and flooded over by early next Spring. Only we on the mountainsides will have our heads above water. But not to worry, Dear Reader. We have plenty of coffee to pick up here and all those green plants to nibble upon. I'm going to start right now on the leaves of that bush with the purple buds. The humming birds adore it, so why shouldn't I? Besides, it can use some trimming back.

Grass might be tasty. We have plenty of that. In fact, you know the expression meant to convey idleness that goes, "Just sitting here watching the grass grow?" Well in Boquete this time of year, if you stare at it intently, you can actually see the the grass grow. I'm not kidding! Well, maybe a little bit. Of course next year this will be a good thing. Instead of mowing we will just chew it down.

But enough of that. I have a serious question to ask. I want to take advantage of the vampire popularity phenomena by writing my own unique vampire story. As far as I can tell there have been vampire everythings except in the following category. So tell me, which do you think I should go with, vampire puppies or vampire kittens? Blood sucking Bunnies, I should mention, have already been done. (Nevermind, I've got it. TEENAGE vampire puppies!)

Is it football season yet? No? Soon though, right? Promise me.


Anonymous said...

Sheesh! That's a lot of rain.

How about a story of vampires who can go out in the sun, no problem, but who can't go out in the rain?

In a place like Boquete during the rainy season, they'd have to befriend their human prey out of sheer boredom. Picture a table of vamps and humans playing hearts until ... the sun breaks thru the clouds and it stops raining. Then all hell breaks loose. Mwah hah haaaahhh....

Zendoc said...

Good premise. Or we could do vampires that live off the blood of Fairies. You know, freak out Joe.