Sunday, July 26, 2009

Nothing But The News

I have a new addiction. It's the NFL Channel. Don't get me wrong, I don't plop down to watch old football games whose outcome I already know - unless, of course, it's the Broncos and they were winners - no, my jones is fed by feasting upon Top Ten Lists. This week I've seen the Top Ten Best Hands, the Top Ten Best Gunslingers and the Top Ten Best Coach's Meltdowns. (Even non fans must remember Jim Mora's "Play-affs? Play-affs?!) (Okay, maybe not.) The Number Ones in those categories were Chris Carter, Bret Favre and Mora. I don't know who does the judging, but it is fun to guess as the shows count down from 10 to 1.

Okay that's it for Sports. Now it's on to the Hard News.

Our lower level, which wasn't, now is. Guy in one of those machines with a plow on one end and a shovel on the other - you know what I'm talking about - came by and moved dirt around until the hillside was a playing field. Competitors from politics to business to tiddlywinks are always talking about wanting a level playing field and by George we have one. (It might be by Jorge or by Jose, but you get the point.)

Our next goal is a fence for the upper level, which, also, isn't quite, to keep the mutts from bringing home unwanted chicks. (I tried the same technique with my sons years ago, but they just climbed over.) Dogs have been on chains for awhile now and although they have adjusted, they don't look happy. Dogs gotta run.

I got interviewed by a North Carolina grad student about my health care experiences in Panama for a study about how ex-pats get along health-wise after leaving the U.S. For this I was payed forty bucks. I volunteered to be interviewed everyday, but apparently once is enough. Bummer. Anyway, the fast forty means there will be golf in the offing. Nice.

Today is Sunday and that means I'm cooking breakfast. Both Woowoo Charly and friend B "fix" breakfast, but I prefer to not break it in advance. I have to time the meal's arrival at the table to nine-thirty as Woowoo Chuck won't be moved from the couch until... I think it's "Meet the Press" is over. (I'm not sure because I'm busy cooking. I personally would prefer to be listening to the Top Ten Meals Consumed By Offensive Guards Before Super Bowls, but, you know, I've learned to share.


Anonymous said...

What is it with men and top 10 lists? And who is Jim Mora?

Can't wait to see the field. Did you know Paul Newman was crazy about badminton? Set up a net wherever he went on movie shoots. More proof that you are his doppleganger.

"Unwanted chicks" + the boys = ha.

So cool about the interview! Did he/she tell you how your experience compared with other expats?

Hope you had a good breakfast. I made myself a hot cup of Boquete coffee and a huge bowl of yogurt and piled on about six different kinds of fruit. Yummm.

Today I'm finishing up chores, a sort of mini-renovation of my studio that I started a few weeks ago. I moved things around for a new lay-out which is really open and airy, and I scoured every surface, went through every book and cd and piece of clothing (and donated about half of each), and spot-painted to freshen things up. I also bought $300 worth of groceries at the co-op, which is a LOT of food - stocked my shelves for the first time. Forgot how homey and safe and nice it feels to have a full pantry of food.

In light of all this, a friend of mine said to me, " finally decided to move in?" Feels that way. Feels good.

Anonymous said...

Yo, monkeymind, what's new?

Zendoc said...

Been sick. Will write soon.

Anonymous said...

Feel better, papacita! Love you. xox