Saturday, March 06, 2010

Huella Dactilar is Fun To Say and Banyo Beauty

Huella Dactilar is the name of a teenagers in trouble with ghosts and ghastlies movie I watched the other night. In English the title is Fingerprint. I wouldn't recommend streaking to your nearest video store to rent it, but if you should stumble across the film on the tube sometime, do have a look-see. (I need a rating system for my horror reviews, something along the lines of "I give this three bloody butcher knives out of five, or maybe small pictures of beheaded corpses. I'm open to suggestions.)

We went to a BIG party at a neighbor's house last night; catered, open bar, live music. One entire room of the house was dedicated to desserts. There were at least a dozen. I had samples of a few, the chocolate cake, the coconut cheese cake and the coconut cream pie. I spent long moments though, staring at all the others and remembering the days when I could have waded through plates of them and not gained a pound. Of course, in those days I could also play basketball for seven or eight hours at a time which, I'm told, has a tendency to keep one's weight in check. I had a few nice conversations at the party with semi-strangers, people I know a little but not well and one extremely entertaining moment.

I was chatting with Woowoo Charly and Bonnie the Bookie and asked them where the nearest bathroom was. "Right behind you" they said, pointing at a nearby door. There was a pale glow of light where the door met the floor, so I knocked tentatively and then tried the handle slowly before entering. The door was not locked. I entered and found myself in a small office sized room, not really noticing particulars as I was headed to the bathroom that I could see a few paces ahead. Its door was open and I started toward it when a beautiful young woman came around the corner from inside the bathroom pulling up a shoulder strap of her evening gown. (A few people at the party were dressed "to-the-nines and some even to the tens.) I was taken, as they say, aback. She was not. She gave me a big, sexy (to my way of thinking) smile as she walked past me saying, "Can I help you with something?" in English. I was too busy sputtering, "Whoops, lo siento, sorry" and the other inanities a person spouts when caught off guard to throw out a snappy comeback. I did turn to watch her walk through the office door and out into the crowd where I could see Woowoo Charly and Bonnie grinning at my surprise. I wasn't really embarrassed - I'm too old for that - but I was a bit off kilter. (I'm not really sure what kilter is but I could tell mine was out of plumb.) I think, in retrospect, what got me was the young woman's not just composure, but seemingly getting a kick out of the situation. I can still see that smile. She was either just messing with the old guy or trying to make his day. Either way works for me. It was a fun, funny, moment.


Anonymous said...

awww, you're cute papacita.

Bonnie said...

Bonnie the Bookie? I resemble that remark. I don't even play poker anymore, much less accept wagers! I'm retired, remember?

Joe said...

I would've been "off kilter" from the coconut cream pie.

Zendoc said...

Thanks K.

Put be down for a sawbuck on Green Icing in the Third, Bon.

I'm going to a twelve step program to get off kilter.

#2son said...

I got addicted to polka dancing. There was this dance hall at the rec center, and I couldn't get enough. It was the symmetry, the movement, the music…I don’t know. There was just something about it, I couldn’t get enough. Anyhow, I’m starting a two-step program to quit.