Saturday, November 17, 2012


This is my 698th post.  Yeah, I know, I'm not impressed either.  About half of them are just bluffs, lame attempts to make the ordinary entertaining. But I mean, c'mon, ordinary is what I have to work with and once in awhile - if I don't mind saying so myself, and I don't - a modicum of entertainment is achieved.  (A modicum of entertainment being herein defined as a chuckle or when lacking that, a smile. You can call the smile a mini modicum, because mini modicum is fun to say.)) 

You see, I'm not really a philosopher but...scratch that, I am a philosopher. My philosophy, however, of "Don't worry, Be happy" has been realized only by stoned Jamaicans, the Dali Lama and a Tibetan Buddhist named Carl who lives in a cave somewhere in the Him/Heralaya Mountains and tries to stay warm while chanting "I AM happy, I AM happy, really I AM" but - my philosophy I'm still talking about - is essentially ignored by the rest of the world's populace who are often quoted as saying, "Get a life Doc."  

Well, I have a life.  It's just, you know, ordinary.  And, as I've been trying to tell you, ordinary is fun to live, but hard to write about.  My cast of character, me, is not all that interesting but I do get to jump from one brain cell to another in search of an untapped idea that I might be harboring, hidden amongst the debris that clutters up the monkeymind and, when discovered, spit it out here in Cyberspace.  For me, this is a fun thing to do.  For you, probably, not so much.

I could write about others and I do, once in awhile.  I find, though, that it is easy to be self deprecating in an attempt to be funny, but it is hard to be other deprecating in the same attempt, because, well, most people have egos and are thus sensitive to being poked fun of or at, whatever.  I tend, for the most part, to just let them be.

I could also write about politics, sports, current events. movies, fashion, etc. and I do occasionally, but you know, I look around and there are reams of writing everywhere about those things. Reams, I tell ya, reams!  What could I possibly add?  My own skewed perspective? Sure, but as I said, only once in a while.

So, what am I left with? My ordinary self and my ordinary life.  On the blog, anyway.  Off the blog I get to go totally fictive. (Is that a word, fictive?) I hope you millions of readers, okay thousands, okay four, aren't too bored, because, well, I don't know why... but...I am unlikely to stop. 

SoDon't worry, Be happy, if, you know, you feel like it.        



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