Friday, September 05, 2008

More Politics Schmolitics

So the Repubs convention crashed to a halt last night with McCain saying look out Democrats change is coming. Hmmmm, change is coming. Where have I heard that before? The Dems would never say anything like that would they? Here's what is confusing me. The Republicans have controlled the White House, the Congress or both for 26 of the last 28 years, The White House for the last 8 and Congress 12 of the last 14 and yet somehow the mess the country is now in is the Democrat's fault. Very strange.

I watched the convention during timeouts and commercial breaks of the football game. The impression I got was of overactive children going off in all directions. The two most uttered words were change and maverick while speaker after speaker espoused the same old "be afraid be afraid", "the Dems are snobs", "war is good" "there's nothing wrong with the environment so drill drill drill" "abort abortion" and God likes us better than everybody else." Change? There's no change in that. Maverick? There's not a maverick idea in the bunch. One new idea from the Repubs would be refreshing. Yeah, I know, ideas come from those effete intellectuals. We'll have none of that in our party.

It's too bad Barbara Streisand is not a Republican. She could have sung "Sheeple, sheeple who love sheeple are the luckiest sheeple in the world." Every four years the Repubs trot out the same tired stuff that has brought the U.S. to it's current status, i.e. massively in dept, tied up in a costly, unnecessary war and disliked by even its closest allies and still the shiny eyed Stepford minions cheer, wave their flags and ask for more. I just don't get it.

I do, however, feel a bit sorry for the old centrist Republicans who now have no say and no candidate of their own. What must they think? The Conservatives and the religious fundamentalists now run the show and the party is a far cry from where Dwight, Nelson and Adlai would have had it go. I tell ya, I miss those guys.

And one final thing that baffles me is the Repubs claim on God. My latest writing project has me researching the New Testament on an almost daily basis and I can tell you with certainty that Jesus is clearly, without doubt, no question about it, positively, NOT a Republican. If anything, he's left of the Democrats; an angry Liberal bent on straightening out mankind's ass. The dude would get stoned if he took the podium at the Republican Convention! (And probably the Dems as well) "Yo, John and Sarah. You want to go to heaven? Okay, rid yourself of all your worldly possessions, follow me and we'll go help the poor." Nope, I just don't think that would play well on the convention stage. Fox News would ignore it all together.


Bonnie said...

C'mon, let's be fair. That a photoshopped photo of the Barracuda. We wouldn't want to inject dishonesty into the political process.

Zendoc said...

A Republican friend of mine sent me the photo and suggested I use it for the blog. That, I think, makes it fair. And yes I do get your tongue-in-cheek dishonesty reference.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant, Pops, just brilliant.