Thursday, September 04, 2008

Politics Schmolitics

Correction: The Bronco game begins Monday Night at 9:15, not tonight. Giants and Skins kick off the season this eve. What was I thinking?

RTGFKAR has a great idea for a Democratic ad. You show a picture of Sarah Palin during the swimsuit portion of the Miss Alaska contest. In the background you have one of those ghost like images of John McCain. The only sound track is a heart beat, lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub lub-dub. Suddenly the heart beat stops and you get the long screech of the heart monitor as it indicates flatline. McCain's image disappears and you are left with just Palin in her swimsuit. The caption then reads, Ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States.

Palin, we are told, is the governor of a state that has seven hundred seventy thousand people. RTGFKAR and I were born in New Jersey. In New Jersey there are checkout lines with more people than that. We are also told that she approves of hunting wolves from airplanes, shooting them down as they run themselves to exhaustion. She, in fact, helped to block a law that would make this illegal. I don't want Sarah Palin for president. I don't want her for vice president. I don't want her for a neighbor. I'd rather have wolves.

McCain's nomination acceptance speech is scheduled for tonight. If the Repubs are smart - a thing Quale, Bush, Limbaugh and talk show screamers prove to the contrary - he will kick it off before the Giants and Skins do. Otherwise, well, for sure his audience will be diminished. I can say for certain, at least by one.

I am finding the race for the white place quite interesting this go around. As Obama pointed out during an interview, the Republicans don't govern well, but they know how to win. Both of Bush's victories came after documented hanky panky in Florida and Ohio. Who will dance at this year's Inaugural Ball and how they got there will be nearly as much fun to watch as the NFL. Nearly. I said nearly.

The Republicans are who they are and the Democrats are who they are and never the twain shall meet. Most people side with one or the other,- sometimes over a single issue, how dumb is that, while those of us who are not represented by either party are left out in the cold - brrrrr - and either don't vote or vote half-heartedly for the person we think will do the least damage. I don't get it. Why not more parties?

Okay, one more thought before I go, because it's bothering me and maybe you can explain. Why are the Republicans so anti-intellectual? Why are they against being smart? I want my president to be smarter than me. I want my president to be a whole lot smarter than me. I want each president to be smarter than the last. I want my kids to be smarter than me (and they are) and I want their kids to be smarter than they are. That's progress, that's growth, that's evolution. To be a Republican candidate you can be a wolf slayer, a war hero, a pauper, a pirate, a pawn or a king. You can be a doctor, a lawyer or an Indian chief, but you can't be smart. If you want to get elected you have to come off as a common man, an average Joe. I don't know about you but I don't want a common man for president and average Joe's are average. I want an uncommon man,(or woman) an exceptional man (or woman) for president; one who thinks deeply and acts wisely. I don't want the word average applied to any of his deeds. The way I see it: if you want an average country, elect an average man. If you want a less than average country, reelect another Bush.


Unknown said...

Wolves for president 2008! What about werewolves and vampires?

Zendoc said...

Werewolves are too unstable, but vampires are okay. In fact, I'm sure we have already had a couple. Did you ever notice how pale and bloodless Nixon looked in the daytime?

Anonymous said...

"I don't want Sarah Palin as my neighbor." Me neither. She makes my skin crawl.

As to your question about why Republicans are anti-intellectual: I think you answered it yourself. Evolution.

Intellect is founded in curiosity, and curiosity creates change. Change brings an end to the status quo.

The end of the status quo - for our opponents - means no more war-mongering and pillaging of the planet, which means less power and money for them.

The Republicans are brilliant at reducing all this to one issue: abortion. I say it's all smoke and mirrors.

Not that a woman's right to choose isn't essential for a truly free society - it is.

But while the religious right whackadoos are freaking out about abortion, the small-souled men in power can create the wars that make them money. My god, it's shameful.