Monday, October 01, 2012


Ryder Cup.  

I'm assuming the cup got its name from Red Ryder, he of BB gun fame and mentor to his Indian kid companion Little Beaver, although I haven't the slightest idea why. About the name, I mean.   There aren't any other famous Ryders that I can think of so by deduction the cup name has to come from Red.  

Little Beaver, by the way, (I could have said BTW, but that might also mean Bavarian Toothless Women and I don't want to confuse you) was played by a young Robert Blake on the Red Ryder television show and as an adult he went on to star in the movie,"In Cold Blood" and the television series, "Baretta" before murdering his wife and getting away with it...allegedly.  But now I'm just showing off my Trivia memory so I'll desist.  Trigger, Champion, Tony, and Topper.  Whoops, there I go again!  (Name the horses of four famous movie cowboys.) (Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Tom Mix, and Hopalong Cassidy, respectively.) (Why don't we get good names like Hopalong anymore?) Funny, I can't remember Ryder's horse for certain, but Diablo is popping into my head.  Somebody check that for me, willya?

So about the Ryder Cup which is a golfing competition between players from the United States against players from Europe - an unfair match up, as I see it, when you have one country against an entire continent, much like the unfairness of next week's football game between the city of Denver against the whole region of New England - that takes place every two years seemingly to humble Americans who, with their obnoxious chanting of USA! USA! clearly need it.  I mean, when every other year the competition takes place in Europe, the crowds don't shout EUPOPE! EUROPE! which is a good thing because Americans would think it is a baseball game. (Your up, your up.  C'mon, get with it people!)  Anyway, the U-rope-ians, as I like to call them, came from behind and defeated the Americans for the seventh time in the last nine Ryder Cups. I'm sure Red, who I think is no longer around, would be disappointed.  I know I was, but not much.  Many of my favorite players come from the Continent and they all showed the True Grit that was lacking in the American players and that would have disappointed John Wayne who I am SURE is no longer around.  

And a further anyway: the golf match was followed by The Denver Broncos drubbing the Oakland Raiders 37 to 6.  I mention this for no particular reason apart from the fact that it makes me feel good and who needs a particular reason...anyway. 

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