Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I don't feel much like writing this morning, but I do have one thought I feel I should put to paper and by "put to paper" I mean, you know, this thing, cyber space I think it is called.  You could call it just about anything for all I know of the technology behind it, but cyber space sounds good to me because I have often been called a Space Case and cyber space puts a new, better twist on that. 

What I wanted to say was that some day in the far distant future the humanoids that we will have involved into will look back on this the Age of Pigskin called Eneffel by some historians, and remember the gods we revered in those days, much as we delve now into old tomes to find comfort from the knowledge of Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, the Buddha, Johnny U and Jim Brown.  Homage will be paid to Bradshaw, Montana, Elway, Brady and Rogers, but non more so than that given to Manning the Elder.  It was He who led-eth the faithful back to the path of bowl hope when all around was the agony of the fumble and the three and out of defeat. It was He whose slinging turned the tide and brought down the mighty Chargers as David once did Goliath.  Long will this battle be remembered by  Marearthians and Omegaworldites whose human ancestors witnessed the Miracle of Monday Night.  Hail the Bronconians was the cry of Manning the Elder on that day and it was a cry that echoed across the galaxies for time immemorial, which is to say midway through the bye week.  After that, fear of the Saints was the norm.  The Saints after all, had their own god. 


1 comment:

#1Son said...

All Hail Manning the Elder.
All Hail Elvis the Magnificent.
