Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Eight years after the Romney Presidency:

My fellow Americans.  If I am elected I promise to bring home our troops from Syria before my term is out and I will schedule an honorable withdrawal of our troops from Iran.  I want to salute the thousands of American soldiers who lost there lives so that arms manufacturers and oil magnates could thrive and continue to own the Republican Party.  We Democrats are against that, of course, but our now grossly under educated populace doesn't agree so we have decided to just go with the flow.  As long as China has money to loan us and we have millions of employees at fast food restaurants striving to pay the money back, we can afford these and other wars.  Hey, we have to keep America safe.  Don't worry about these two wars ending, we have more of them on the horizon.  President Romney has shown us that Avarice is the best policy and if you don't believe that you are not a patriot. We Democrats will no longer be whining and mewling about fairness and level playing fields and the we are all in this together nonsense.  It is clear that Americans want a dog eat dog, every man for himself, get it while the getting is good, screw that helping hand, society, so we are climbing on board with that.  If I'm elected I will do everything I can to keep my financial backers in chips so they can continue to dictate American policy. There will be no programs to help anyone but them, because they are the people who put out leftovers in their dumpsters and that helps feed Americans.  Beware though, if you don't do as we say, those dumpsters can be removed.  In conclusion I want to say that if you poor people, which the census shows is 90% of you, really want to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, I suggest you join our armed forces or sign up as crew on the yachts of our politicians and their friends. Good luck I say to you suckers. Now it doesn't matter if you vote Republican or Democrat.

                                        The 2020 Democratic Candidate



Unknown said...

Not nearly cynical enough....

Steveisnotmyname said...

Have you read Cormac McCarthy's THE ROAD? A Romney-led country might be more like that, except there might also be zombies.

Steveisnotmyname said...

Have you read Cormac McCarthy's THE ROAD? Romney's America might be more like that sad, strange future, except there might be zombies. And by zombies I mean that's all that will be left of the Left.

Zendoc said...

I have , of course, read The Road. It features a post apocolyptic future. Mine is before the apocolypse...but not by much.