Tuesday, October 02, 2012


After crastinating for a couple of hours - I'm getting better at that although I'm not quite yet a Pro-crastinator - I finally got around to today's writing session and was pleased with the results.  I've taken the chapter I wrote for my Writer's Group collaborative novel, a novel abandoned as hopeless, and rewrote it as the start of a new story.  It's got pirates and drugs and guns and beautiful women and all the good shit we twelve year old minds get off on.  Can't wait to see how it turns out.

We are into the dog days of Winter here in Panama.  October is somewhat comparable to February in the northern US of A.  There the populace is waiting for the cold to end and here we await the cessation of rain or, at least, the diminishing of same to tolerable levels.  One of the only two golf courses close enough for us to play, Lucero G.C., closes for the entire month of October.  It is just too wet, too muddy, to be of use.  The other, Valle Escondido, has better drainage and if we get two days in a row without rain, we can get in a round on the second day.  

Yeah, I know, you're thrilled to hear it.  Hey, c'mon, until tomorrow night's debates I've got nothing really to write about.  After those I can wax grandeloquently on which candidate best delivered their rehearsed impromtu lines...if I choose to...but I probably won't.  In the meantime, I'll continue to babble.  It's what I do best.

So, what are you all going to do between the election and the end of the world in December?  What, you don't believe that's what the Mayans meant?  Are you in the life will go on as usual camp or there will be a cosmic change of consciousness camp... or... something else? I for one, because you can't say I and mean two, think that we will be visited by our forefathers and mothers from our home planet in a distant galaxy and they will infuse us with vast knowledge that will enable us to make huge evolutionary leaps so that historians looking back at this time will wonder - much like we now wonder how the ancient Egyptians could build the sphinx and the pyramids with their primitive technology - how we were able to make such strides. And, after doing so, the visiting beings will erase our memories of their visit and then return home. If this turns out to be the case, remember you heard it here first.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I read somewhere recently (HuffPo perhaps?) that the Mayan calendar thing was probably misinterpreted. It was a very convincing article from an archeologist about people conflated findings from the Mayans and the Aztecs.
The Mayans weren't very much into doomsday stuff -- that was the Aztecs. And they think they may have found another tablet that continued the calendar after 2012 or at least explained why they ended it there.
I also had an evolutionary thought about the missing link after talking dinosaurs with Jax. Something about the other huge leaps in evolution that makes humans easier to understand.
But since I can't recall my exact thoughts, nor can I find the article on the Mayans, I pretty much got nothin'