Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Spawn of Wrayjay sent me a "Mind Log" (Thank you Spawn)that contains chapters headed MOOD LOG, DREAM LOG, EPIPHANY LOG, REWARD LOG and GTATITUDE LOG. The Introduction contains this sentence that I find spot on: "People tend to be seekers or ostriches-either they are fascinated by the ongoing process of personal growth, or they are happier burying their heads in the proverbial sand." Having always been a "what's it all about Alfie?" kind of a guy, I'm looking forward to filling in the info asked for in each chapter so that the world will have an accurate picture of my mind, because, clearly, this is something the world really needs. Ha!

Alrighty then, let's start with MOOD. Let me think about this for a minute. Mood...mood. That's past tense for the sound a cow makes, right? It's kind of fun to say when you stretch it out...mooooood. Hmmm, mood...mood. Okay, what mood am in? I am in a ......good mood. So there we have that.

DREAM. I do that every night. Doesn't everyone? Last night's was something about a dog crying in the distance all damn night. Wait a minute. That wasn't a dream, that really happened. The dream was...I don't remember, but I do was good.

Now we come to EPIPHANY. Yesterday's concerned getting my hands through quicker at the bottom of my golf swing. Eureka! The ball goes further! Others include not petting reptiles and such eye openers as it's good to have an umbrella when it's raining. As I see it these epiphany things are all, well...good.

REWARDS are next. I don't know what they mean by that. Let me look in the book. Okay, how do I reward myself seems to be the gist. Mostly, I light up a stogie to give myself a job well done pat on the back. Of course, sometimes I light up even when I haven't done diddly. But you know, when I think about it, not doing diddly when you are retired is an official accomplishment so those cigars are well earned too. Cigars are good. Rewards are good.

And then there is the GRATITUDE LOG. It's the shortest section of the book. Probably because once you've said "I'm grateful" it's pretty much done. I think you are supposed to list the what fors, but at my age that could take days so I'll just say "for every damn thing that's, ah,...good."

Going back and summing up this early effort in my MIND LOG, we find good, good, good, good and good. Already the world has an inkling into the depths of my old gray matter. I'm good. You?

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