Saturday, October 11, 2008

Creative Juice

I have been feeling imagination-less of late. It is as if the monkeymind has found a comfortable branch to rest on and refuses to budge. I'm not sure what is needed - a kick in the pants, a cattle prod, a jump start - but something has to be done soon to get me off the mark.

I am going to a big party tonight to celebrate Woowoo Charly, the Old Redneck and friend Victoria's October birthdays. There will be more Panamanians than gringos in attendance and my lame Spanish will surely be tested. I'm hoping some gaffe or blooper or blunder will occur(not involving me of course, although that usually is the case)to get my creative juices flowing.

Okay there you have it, just what I REALLY needed, the phrase "creative juices flowing." Exactly what kind of juices are they, where do they come from and how do you make them flow, well let me tell you. The nut from which creative juice is extracted sits above my shoulders and is an area often referred to by others as the "nutcase." Peeling away the leafy layers of lethargy to get at the juice in the nutcase is a process euphemistically called "going bananas." The lethargy remains are toxic and must be disposed of carefully. It is highly recommended that you bury them far from televised sports or good books as these influences can reconstitute the lethargy into a vegetative state known as couch potato; a condition to be avoided at all costs except upon weekends. Once you have achieved the gone completely bananas state, it is easy to tap into the creative juice as it is right there in front of you just waiting to flow. I recommend tilting the nutcase towards a computer to start the flow, but others suggest that tilting toward easels, clay, cameras, cooking implements and such works equally well. When the juice has been completely spilled upon your project...quit.


Anonymous said...

Hope Mom had a great bday celebration!

Anonymous said...

Check out the writing prompts on this site - kinda cool way to get your creative juices flowing!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I clicked thru some of the prompts - some are okay, some are kinda tame/lame. But you could put your own Doc spin on them to make them fun!

Zendoc said...

Some of the ideas are fine, but I prefer wallowing in my own muck hoping that something rises to the surface.