Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chiros and Cadillacs

Snap, crackle and pop.

"How's that feel?"


The preceding is a summation of my chiropractic encounter with Dr. Matt Verstratete yesterday. Isn't it amazing how your bod can be twisted, bent and torqued into poses you are unlikely to achieve during your everyday endeavors and find that you have come away with less pain than you started with? I'm going back Friday for more of the same with the goal of playing better golf next Tuesday. If, however, my golf is worse, I'll return to the good doctor and have him put everything back where it was. I think it was both Shakespeare's Horatio and The Silver Screen's Boris Karloff who were fond of saying, "There are some things in heaven and earth that man should not tamper with." Karloff said it best because he had a funky, lispy, soft British accent and could deliver the line in a most ominous fashion. (Wait, it wasn't Horatio, it was someone talking to Horatio...I think.)

Sitting in front of this computer screen is doing my back no good at all; a circumstance that inspired me to go see Doctor Matt in the first place. Well, that and the golf thing. Matt recommended I go get one of those big exercise balls you sit on and, uh, sit on it. Alternating between the desk chair and the ball being the best thing, he says. Alrighty then, we are off to Arocha in David today, where, Matt says big balls can be found. (And right now I can hear my homies saying they can tell me where else to look!)

Anybody see the movie "Cadillac Records"? It's the story of the recording company, Chess Records and its owner, Leonard Chess, a white man, that/who brought great black talent into the mainstream back in the Fifties. Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Chuck Berry, Etta James, Little Walter, Willie Dixon and others. The film captures the feel of the music scene of those days and the music itself is, of course, terrific. Near the end of the film, Beyonce Knowles playing Etta James sings, "I'd Rather Go Blind" (than see you walk away from me). This has always been one of my favorite songs sung by Etta and Beyonce's version, coming as it does at the end of one of the movie's dramatic sequences, had me in tears. If you like Rhythm and Blues, you have to see "Cadillac Records".


Unknown said...

In our netflix queue already. Thanks for the review!

Joe F. Clark said...

Same here! Sounds like a good movie. Thanks.

#2son said...

9 out of 10 putts you don't hit hard enough come up short. There's horatio for ya.

Zendoc said...

#2, that is very funny!

Anonymous said...

pops, remember to try those exercises i showed you. and wear your brace while you're sitting on your ball chair!