Monday, August 09, 2010

Blase Blogging

Alrighty then, there's a story - the dragon whimsy that precedes this blog - that could use a rewrite or two...okay, twelve, that I'll get to going forward (Bam!) in a bit and post the revised version when it is uh, like, uh, you know, revised.

There was an NFL football game of sorts last night and that's a good thing. (All football games of the preseason variety should have the disclaimer "of sorts" attached to them.) I didn't get to see it as it wasn't aired by my satellite provider, Sky TV, whose home office is hidden somewhere in a remote village deep in the heart of Venezuela and whose enormous staff of one, a guy named Fred, doesn't really like football. Well, not American football anyway. No matter, it's preseason and who really cares.

I did call Fred's cousin in Panama City and schedule the "NFL Package" so that I will get all the Denver Bronco games I care to see. I added that "I care to see" part because the team is plagued with injuries to key players and their season may already be in the, Press 1 for toilet. Press 2. for dumper, Press 3 for tank. Fred's cousin was a pleasant woman whom I finally reached after going through several of those press this for that choices all given in Spanish spoken so rapidly I had to call three or four times and listen intently to determine what the hell I was getting to choose. I finally got a Press 2 for English that got me to Fred's cousin, Maria, who spoke flawless American. At the end of our conversation I complimented her on her language skills while wishing my Spanish was better and asked if she was American or Panamanian. She replied, "Neither, I'm from Mexico." So, there you have that.

Why am I telling you this, you ask? Beats me. I don't have anything clever to write about this morning so I'm just covering the mundane. (The MUNDANE should be a section in every newspaper for people tired of bad news.) Here's some more: The sun is making what I hope is more than a cameo appearance this morning after last night's seventy five feet of new rainfall. Okay, I'm exaggerating, it was only seventy four. What's curious is that we woke up to no water from our taps. I'm sure both this plethora of and lack of water is the result of global climate change caused by evil global climate changers like the New York Yankees and others whose bodies are possessed by demons. Usually, when we lose our water supply, it is fixed in an hour or two so I'm keeping my fingers crossed because crossed fingers are really useful in restoring public services.

In other morning news of no note, we had two humming birds flying around our great room this morning causing our Cockers to plead loudly for the birds to come down to floor level so they, the dogs, can dine on them. We have large glass doors that open on to this high ceiling room and birds like to fly in and check us out from time to time. Birds have short memories though, and it often takes them awhile to find their way back out. In the interim we have to lock the dogs in our bedroom else the noise achieves decibel levels rivaling head-banger rock concerts. At least I think so. I've never actually been to a head-banger rock concert, but I've heard that Streisand can get really loud.

Woowoo Charly just announced that the water is back on.

Life is good.


Joe F. Clark said...

My buddy, Dean, asked me once..."dude, why do you like to watch cycling? I mean who wants to watch a bunch of sweaty guys in padded tights?"

My reply..."bro, what the hell do football players wear?"


Zendoc said...

Those shorts are padded?