Friday, August 06, 2010

This, That and the Other Thing

Sleep was stuck on me so tightly this morning I couldn't wipe it off with WD-40. It has taken the careful consumption of caffeine in just the right dosage to scare off the drowse and leave me able to function; that is, if plowing through emails, Facebook, (There it is Bonnie, the Oxfordian comma) and assorted Yahoo news before confronting the blank page in front of me, can be defined as functioning.

A quick rant: There was a small company back in the Sixties (note I didn't say back in the day) that made a small fortune, very small, manufacturing Nerf bricks to throw at television screens on Monday night when Howard Cosell was saying something asinine. If I hear one more talking head of the news and sports variety say "going forward" I may have to re-implement the concept using real bricks.

Another random thought: (Of course maybe all thoughts are random. I mean we don't preselect them from a list of thoughts, they just pop up one at a time.) I noticed yesterday that I am almost seventy but still talk baby talk to my dogs. "My boys and girls are sleepy-deepy, time for beddy bye." Please just shoot me now and save me further embarrassment.

I found a couple of old friends, a man and wife, on Facebook yesterday which is the sort of thing that falls into my "Big Fun" category. They, like anyone who knew me in those long ago days, are surprised, I'm sure, to know that A. I'm still alive, B. I'm not incarcerated in either a hoosegow or a funny farm, C. that I've managed to make my way through life in an orderly fashion after a rough start and D. What is D anyway? Let me think. Okay, I have all my hair and I'm only eight to ten pounds heavier than I was then. (Okay that "orderly fashion" thing might be a bit of an exaggeration and to be honest about the weight I have to mention that I just recently lost twenty pounds and, of course my hair is somewhat thinner and...

Rant Number two: Let's talk about that weight thing for a minute. Here's what pisses me off. ("Pisses me off" is a tried and true phrase of long duration I find acceptable to use unlike "moving forward" which, I hope, lacks staying power.) Sure I put on twenty pounds while lying about eating
whatever came within arm's reach during my rehab from pneumonia, but when the time came, that is, after full recovery, I set about dilligentamente (that's diligently for you non Spanish speakers to whom (or is it to who, Bonnie?) I should mention that I only use because it is the longest Spanish word I know) to rid myself of the unsightly pounds. A diet change for both food and drink plus exercise, just as so often advertised, did the trick...until now. I have been at the same weight for roughly a month and I don't understand what has gone wrong. I mean, if you live on a diet in which you burn off more calories than you consume shouldn't you continue to lose weight until you don't have anymore and you just slide into the cosmos all whisper and spirit? Why should a diet thing work for months and then suddenly stop? It's not fair I tell ya, It's not fair at all.

I blame Bush.

(Going forward, I will conclude my dragon story on the morrow.)


Son of bitch! Those bricks really hurt!


Unknown said...

Now you have the Vampire Weekend song Oxford Comma stuck in my head, which isn't a bad thing.
Losing 20 pounds is impressive. Don't be hard on yourself about the rest right now.
Crazy: when I googled "nerf brick howard cosell," you were the 4th link that came up. Not being a personal googler I found it funny to see Monkeymind right up there!

#2son said...

I often find myself in the park saying things like, "Do Ella-bedella and Bonnie-mallonie want to make poop-poops?"

Zendoc said...

That explains it #2. Insanity runs in the family. You get it from your children.